Navarra, Spain, 10 cases of whooping cough detected since September

Bordetella pertussis transmission has been detected in Navarra since September, with 10 confirmed cases and 2 Suspected cases of whooping cough, aged between 6 months and 13 years. Report. The week of October 9th to 15th.

The disease begins with an irritating cough that becomes paroxysmal within a week or two and may be accompanied by inspiratory wheezing. Episodes usually end with mucus discharge. This will last for several weeks. It can spread from person to person within the first 10-20 days.

The clinical manifestations of pertussis vary with age and vaccination history. In infants younger than 6 months old, the typical symptoms of stridor may not appear, and apnea may occur after the spasm. Children under six months of age, particularly those who have not completed their primary vaccination series, are “at risk of complications and death,” Public Health said.

Therefore, the ISPLN recommends that childhood vaccination be carried out according to the recommended schedule and start with the 27th week of gestation, preferably at the 27th or 28th week, with one dose of dTpa vaccine per pregnancy, with the aim of transferring antibodies to Newborn. People who are experiencing cough or other respiratory symptoms “should avoid contact with infants who have not completed their vaccinations.” When it is necessary to be in close proximity to infants, using a mask when symptoms are present or when a respiratory infection cycle is present can reduce the risk of infection.

Antibiotic prophylaxis to control transmission “will be evaluated individually” and when high-risk groups are present in the setting (children under 1 year old, pregnant women in their last weeks of pregnancy, people with immunosuppression, asthma, cystic fibrosis or congenital heart disease) .

The incidence of acute gastroenteritis remains high

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