News from the flu campaign, like vaccinating smokers, some ranchers and children to protect grandparents

On Thursday, October 19, Castilla-La Mancha begins the 2023-2024 influenza vaccination campaign, which, as usual, will be accompanied by vaccinations due to the pandemic. Both vaccines will be administered in separate arms at the same time.

Like previous campaigns, this campaign aims to prevent and protect vulnerable groups (those at high risk) from complications of both diseases, thus reducing possible consequences such as hospitalization and death.

Who should get vaccinated?

Indicated are the groups considered most vulnerable who need to be vaccinated:

Castilla-La Mancha influenza vaccination campaign posterSESCAM

  • arrive Over 60 years old or more
  • to those They live in closed institutions (Residential)
  • People under 60 years old Have risk factors People who may have comorbidities or serious medical conditions (people with diabetes, morbid obesity, or cognitive impairment)
  • pregnant (any trimester of pregnancy and within six months postpartum)
  • people Cohabitants who are severely immunocompromised (People with defensive problems)
  • staff care and essential institutions (health or social hygiene centres, security forces and corps, firefighters and civil protection)

just the flu

This year, it is also recommended that you get a flu shot:

  • People who work with or have direct contact with birds, pigs and wildlife. This situation arises from the bird flu situation. The aim is that by vaccinating workers on these poultry or pig farms, the likelihood of both viruses appearing at the same time will be reduced, thus preventing transmission between species. The measure affects poultry farms, pig farms, wild boar or mustelids and other wild animals.
  • People who take aspirin for a long time. Why you should avoid Reye’s Syndrome.

As a new feature of this event, there are also two new groups:

  • Smokers, as they are more likely to get severe flu
  • Children 6 to 59 months Because they may develop serious illness and protect grandparents.

What do these vaccines look like?

Flu vaccine

There are three types of flu vaccines:

  • Adjuvant tetravalent With inactive viruses, this helps generate more defense. It is given intramuscularly and is suitable for people over 65 years of age and infants 6 to 24 months old.
  • Intramuscularly inactivated tetravalent. for the rest of the target population.
  • intranasal vaccine for children 24 months to 59 months attenuated virus. Has a huge advantage because it has the ability to block the portal of the virus itself. It has bactericidal capabilities.

coronavirus disease vaccine

This is done with vaccines Pfizer for Omicron strain XBB1.5 Different adult versions (12+, pediatric and mini-pediatric)

Recommended only for high-risk groups and health and social hygiene personnel. This event reminds us that booster doses are not necessary for people who are not in vulnerable groups.

What I remember is If you have had the disease in the past three months Do not get vaccinated, but if in doubt, will get vaccinated.

When and where can I get vaccinated?

The first to be vaccinated will be the most vulnerable: people in nursing homes and people over 80 who will be admitted to medical centers. From there, they will be managed from oldest to youngest at SESCAM offices and health centers.

In addition, as in previous years, walk-in vaccination sites will continue to be set up by different health departments, but specific vaccination sites and their schedules have not yet been determined.

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