Nicaragua accuses country’s Miss Universe owner of ‘treason’

Two weeks after Nicaraguan Sheynnis Palacios won the beauty pageant, Nicaraguan police have charged the owner of the country’s Miss Universe franchise, her husband and son with “treason,” “conspiracy” and other crimes, and there will be massive celebrations in the streets. .

According to a statement released by the police last night, “In 2018, Mr. Karen Celebertti, (her husband) Martín Argüello Leiva and (her son) Bernardo Martín Argüello Bernardo Martín Argüello Celebertti, owner of the Miss Nicaragua franchise (…), is actively involved in terrorist acts online and in the streets, “attempted coups planned by international agencies and foreign missions”.

The note insists they are preparing “Using their franchises, platforms and spaces (…) to turn competitions into political traps and ambushes funded by foreign agents.”

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“According to the characters mentioned, in the month of December, they will once again take to the streets to reenact the worst evil act in history, summoning and plotting the Castle of Cards with evil gestures,” police said.

“All of the above are recorded in the telephone and technological memories possessed by the above mentioned individuals.”“, the force added in a statement collected by AFP.

Nicaraguan media said both Aguero and his son were detained and held in solitary confinement, but this has not been confirmed by the government.

“Detainees and fugitives must serve their sentences in accordance with Nicaraguan law”police said, without giving details.

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On Saturday, the Miss Universe organization asked the Nicaraguan government to “guarantee the safety” of those involved in the local pageant, whose chief executive was named after 23-year-old Sheynnis Palacios won the title on Nov. 18. Banned from returning to the country in San Salvador.

Sereberti was a 1991 Miss Nicaragua finalist and has been the face of the country’s Miss Universe franchise since 2001. She was detained at Managua’s Augusto C. Sandino International Airport last Thursday as she returned to Nicaragua from Mexico with her daughter. She was returned.

After the competition final, Serabelti accompanied Palacios on a promotional tour that included Miami and Mexico. From there, the brand new Miss Universe traveled to New York, while Serabetti returned to Nicaragua.

Palacios’ victory triggered massive celebrations as Nicaraguans took to the streets, something not seen since demonstrations were banned in 2018.

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Anti-government protests that year left more than 300 people dead after clashes between opponents and pro-government supporters, according to the United Nations.

Both the exiled government and the opposition praised Palacios’ victory.

But days later, President Daniel Ortega’s wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, accused the opposition of “Crude use” and “crude and vile terrorist communications in an attempt to turn a beautiful and well-deserved moment of pride and celebration into a destructive coup.”

Source: Télam.

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