Noah Schnapp, Stranger Things star and coming out on TikTok: ‘If I hadn’t played Will, I wouldn’t have made it’

Noah Schnapp, or When fiction intertwines with reality. Very young star’very strange things‘ arrived on its second outing at the beginning of the year, the real one. His first time in July 2022. as Will Byers, a character on the show who hinted at the end of the fourth season that he has feelings for Mike Wheeler, one of the main characters in fiction. But that was on set. A few months later came the main event: Noah is indeed gay. “If I hadn’t played Will, I wouldn’t have made it.”, the 18-year-old actor admitted to Variety.

Cuming Noah Schnapp

Noah is a real star even off the set. Proof of this is the fact that the video of his coming out posted on Tiktok has reached 31 million subscribers. “You know what’s new? Seriously.” His lips mimic someone’s voice. It seems like a video like many others, but in those 8 seconds recorded on mobile phone everything has changed. And Noah, with his head buried in the pillow and the irresistible air of his 18 years, threw the bomb (so to speak). In the caption to his video, Schnapp wrote: “I think I looks more like Will than I thought“.

“When at last I told my friends and family that I am gay, after being scared in the closet for 18 years, all they said was: we know.” It’s the sentence written about Noah at the top of the video, ironic but not overbearing, that sums up a whole life in a few lines. His sense of fear and isolation among others…being scared in the closet for 18 years– and all the support of the family that accompanied him all the way.

sister role

Companion to the liberation exit, Noah now explained, she was there twin sister Chloe. They spent time together in college in Boston and until late. Noah was ready. It seemed that the video was already ready in the barrel, it was still in the gallery of his smartphone. But they didn’t have the courage to do it. Close friends – including Millie Bobby Brownactress Mrs. Eleven in Stranger Things bombarded him with messages: “When are you going to publish this? They want to see the reaction of the world!”. It took six months, but in the end, one click was enough: the video went viral on Tiktok. On my way back from college to my home in Westchester, NY, Noah posted his real coming out. And Noah’s phone went crazy.

“I didn’t want to sit and be nervous waiting for what people would say,” Schnapp explains to Variety. “I just wanted to quit and be sure of who I am and know that I don’t have to worry about what people think anymore“.

Reaction: “A thousand hearts and rainbow flags”

Liberating confession. “When I opened my phone at the end of the trip, there was something like: a thousand messages of heartscongratulations and rainbow flags“, continued the actor with an exuberant smile.”I cried. I felt like I did it. I finished. I didn’t have to worry anymore.” But not only. “Once I fully accepted the fact that Will was gay, my self-acceptance went exponentially. I think that if I had never played this character, I would probably still be closed,” admitted the actor ” Very strange things” Noah. playing Will for five seasons and being gay doesn’t seem so natural: “When I started I was so young I barely knew what the word meant. I don’t even think I know that I’m gay“.

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