Noemi Paoloni. An image consultant to help you improve yourself

A consulting service designed for all people who want to reinvent themselves and improve their image through the use of the most suitable colors and the right shapes of clothing and accessories.
This is the promise of Noemi Paoloni, an image consultant with many years of experience in the field, who provides her clients with a wide range of specialized services every day.

It all started during the pandemic, when Noemi felt the need to revolutionize her life: always passionate about fashion, style and beauty, it was the color scheme that ignited the spark in her.
So she decides to get back into the game, studying at the Italian Rossella Migliaccio Institute of Images and specializing in color analysis, then delving deeper into the world of form and style at the Ariana Gamberini Academy.
Today, Noemi boasts 360-degree skills in this world, as evidenced by the professional qualification awarded by Unici, the National Union of Image Consultants.

While we generally tend to think of this offering as being geared solely toward the female world, consulting is actually geared towards men as well.
The specialist offers his services in person – mainly in the area of ​​Ancona and Macerata, but with the possibility of travel – and online, with the exception of armochromia sessions, one of the most popular counseling tools in recent times, which must be carried out in person. to ensure a certain level of accuracy.

In more detail, color harmony is the analysis of the chromatic mixture of skin, eyes and hair to determine the most suitable colors for the face. As Noemi Paoloni explains, it is a tool that works through repetition: once the characteristics of a person’s complexion, such as contrast, tones and intensity, are discovered, a set of colors is selected that can enhance these elements. It’s a little like choosing the most suitable frame for a picture.

Noemi’s offer also includes consultations on body and face shape, necessary to better understand the shapes and proportions of the body and face and therefore know the correct clothing shapes, accessories and haircuts to enhance them.

Once clients have a clearer idea of ​​what they need for their wardrobe, they can also count on a wardrobe styling consultant – one of the services that has become the most popular in recent times.
Organizing your wardrobe is often very difficult, also due to the large number of things you have.

Noemi Paoloni helps – also via video call – to functionally reorganize the space to make use of every centimeter and choose clothes based on the results of a previous analysis.
The consultant also tries to make the most of what you already have, perhaps limiting less flattering colors to the lower parts of the body.

The benefits of the services offered by a professional are, first and foremost, self-esteem, since from the first archrocromia consultation, people can see themselves differently through the use of the right colors and the right shapes.
In addition, there are significant savings in money and time, both when it comes to shopping and simply when you need to decide what to wear in the morning.
With a well-organized wardrobe of flattering pieces, you can always have the perfect outfit on hand.

Noemi Paoloni’s philosophy is characterized by the desire to emphasize the style and individuality of each client.
In fact, the results of consultations are not standardized, but are always individual for a particular person.
Once completed, the professional publishes detailed reports of about forty pages, full of targeted advice based on personal tastes.

But the services offered do not end there: for the big day, Noemi offers a wedding program that consists of image consultations focused on the wedding day. It all starts with a questionnaire, which collects information based on the mood and style of the event.
From here we begin to understand what color and shape to choose for the dress, without neglecting details such as hairstyle, veil, accessories and everything that makes the bride special.

Once the consultations are complete, the professional remains available through an unlimited tutoring service to clarify any doubts that may arise.
In addition, SOS Memy is a kind of satellite service that allows you to provide immediate assistance at any time, for example, in choosing a new haircut or hair color to change your look.
A consultant from the Marche region will also provide support for special occasions such as weddings, graduations or business meetings.
In this case, Noemi makes it possible to create a complete look by searching for items on the Internet or even using what you already have in your wardrobe, always taking into account a predetermined budget.

Finally, a b2b offer is also available for shops and businesses that want to offer image consulting services.
In this case, you can choose different methods, such as having an in-store consultant to give purchasing advice to customers, or scheduled meetings for those who want a full analysis.

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