Noni: Superfood to Burn Belly Fat | Superfood to Help Delay Aging and Purify the Body

Putting aside months of overeating and getting in shape is one of the most common goals when you want to follow a healthy, balanced diet. The key to it all, however, is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Practicing physical activity and consuming natural products, as well as avoiding empty calories that alcohol or industrial pastries provide us, are some of the guidelines to follow. If we also add additional factors, such as superfoods, we may be able to achieve our goals in record time in much less time than initially planned.

Although superfoods and infusions have become popular trends today, they have only recently become fashionable, thanks to the multiple benefits their intake has on the body. Nonetheless, it must be taken into account that miracle diets do not exist, and eating such foods alone does not mean a radical change.

When it comes to superfoods, there is a huge variety that is easy to find in health food stores and supermarkets, it all depends on the type of product we are looking for. This will vary depending on the results we are looking for and what we want the food in question to provide us. So, for example, purple corn has a high protein content, while maca is very rich in minerals. Another superfood we recommend today is noni, a typical tropical fruit from Polynesia that few people know has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

  1. Anti-Aging

Noni fruit has a high antioxidant content. Its high content of selenium, xeronine and scopolamine help neutralize free radicals and prevent premature tissue aging. Additionally, this superfood contains proxeronine, an ingredient that, once inside the body, is converted into xeronine, an alkaloid that regulates metabolism and different biological functions.

One of the advantages of noni is that due to its antibacterial and antiparasitic properties, it can help fight against Helicobacter pylori and help treat ulcers, gastritis or intestinal parasites. On the other hand, its root juice has laxative properties due to its rich content of anthraquinones, which increases peristaltic activity.

Noni extract contains alizarin, anthraquinone, and L-asperuloside, which have antibacterial properties that fight Pseudomonas aeruginosa, E. coli, and Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

how to take

Noni is not a very tasty fruit, which is why it is taken in juice form mixed with sugar or honey. People drink its fermented juice or mix it with lemon juice and some natural sweeteners such as maple syrup.

There are many benefits of noni fruit, but there are also some Contraindications. Noni is not recommended during pregnancy because it has anti-estrogenic effects that may prevent conception or even cause miscarriage, even in small doses.

Regular long-term consumption is not recommended without consulting a professional. Due to its high potassium content, people with liver, kidney, or heart disease should not consume noni.

Please remember that this is general information and is not intended to replace professional advice under any circumstances.

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