November 12: World Pneumonia Day

November 12th is world pneumonia dayA disease that is wreaking havoc around the world, especially among the child population. It has such a high mortality rate because in most cases it is thought to be a common cold, or in the worst cases malaria, but the fact is that by the time it is finally diagnosed correctly, it is already too late .

What is pneumonia?

Pneumonia, also called pneumonia, is a disease that causes inflammation of the lungs due to a viral or bacterial infection.. With the right equipment, mainly a chest plate or X-ray, it can be detected promptly and stopped completely by administering antibiotics. What’s more, the disease has been shown to reduce mortality by 42% in children 2 years and younger if diagnosed promptly.

The problem with pneumonia is that many developing countries have neither public policy nor appropriate levels of investment to diagnose and treat the disease. Only when the children don’t respond to treatment do doctors realize they have pneumonia, but by then it’s too late.

What is the purpose of this year’s Pneumonia Day?

The main purpose of the day is to raise awareness among people so that they can detect the disease in time, but it also seeks countries to take preventive measures by: Vaccination days, equipment investment and drug purchases Help treat, especially children and the elderly, the two groups most vulnerable to the virus.

On this day, a series of Lectures, seminars and other activities to educate the public and provide them with all the support they need.

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