October films available on Prime Video

Also this month, Amazon’s streaming platform, Prime Videooffers a rich offer of numerous movie which span a variety of genres, with a focus on thriller and horror, with Halloween at the end. October.

“Absolutely Killer”

Exit to October 6. Cruel masked killer, who committed a massacre thirty-five years ago, returns on Halloween night to complete the circle and find his fourth victim. A seventeen-year-old girl accidentally becomes involved in this case and, trying to escape, finds herself transported back in time to 1987, when the first murders took place. A teenager will have to team up with a teenage version of his mother to try to save his friends while avoiding being trapped by the past, all in just seven hours.


From October 13. The film is based on an article of the same name published by Jonathan Harr in 1999 in The New Yorker and tells a story Jeremiah Joseph O’Keefethe undertaker played by Tommy Lee Jones. O’Keefe seeks legal assistance Willie E. Gary (Jamie Foxx) to defend his company in a lawsuit against the insurance company Lowen, whose interests he represents Raymond Lowen (Bill Camp) is accused of orchestrating a fraud that could have bankrupted O’Keefe’s business.


Exit toOctober 11. Ian he is a young rebel marginalized by society. He has extraordinary strength that allows him manipulate minds people around him, creating deceptive illusions. However, Ian does not take full advantage of this gift, limiting himself to using it for small scams in order to survive. But he ultimately can’t keep his powers secret for long, and when one of his scams goes wrong, his abilities are revealed publicly. This attracts the attention of two different organizations who are eager to use his abilities to their advantage and are willing to do anything to get them.

“Spider-Man: No Way Home”

From October 15. Life of a seventeen year old boy Peter Parker (with the face of Tom Holland) and those he cares about suddenly find themselves in the spotlight of public opinion. Availability Spider-Man suggests danger and chaos that puts not only Peter but other people at risk. MD (Zendaya) and Ned (Jacob Batalon), whom the press considers complicit, even at the risk of jeopardizing his chances of getting into college. In desperation, Peter turns to Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) asks him to cast a spell that will make everyone forget about it. Peter Parker – Spider-Man. Strange agrees to help Peter, but the spell inadvertently tears a hole in the fabric of reality, releasing some of the most powerful and dangerous enemies Spider-Man has ever faced, hailing from various alternate universes. And it will have a profound effect on everything Multiverse.

“The Other Zoey”

From The 20th of October. Josephine Langford acting Zoey, a college student with an unconventional view of love. Despite her unconventional ideas about love, Zoe finds herself in a romantic-comedy situation when she meets Zach, the most popular boy in school and a football player. Zack gets into a car accident and wakes up mistaking Zoey for his girlfriend of the same name. Zoey pretends to be another Zoey. But when she meets Zach’s cousin, Miles, she begins to feel a strange emotional connection she never expected. And she finds herself trapped in an unexpected love triangle.

“Mafia Mom”

Exit October 23. This is a fun, action-packed comedy. A suburban American woman has inherited her grandfather’s criminal organization. Under the guidance of her trusted advisor at the firm, she decides to defy all expectations, including her own, by becoming the new head of the family’s criminal enterprise. The main composition includes Toni ColletteOscar nominee for Lead Actor, supported by Monica Bellucci, Alfonso Perugini, Giulio Corso and Alessandro Bressanello.

“Winnie the Pooh: Honey and Blood”

From 27th October. Horror and splashes for the cutest and most beloved bear by children. Pooh and Piglet they faced severe food shortages due to the growth Christopher. Over the years, their hunger and aggression increased, so much so that they began to eat donkeys. wow. Christopher later returns with his wife to introduce her to his old friends. They violently throw out all the anger that has accumulated over the years. This state of madness accompanies them when they get to the country house where the girls live.

’65 – Escape from Earth’

From 29th of October. In this sci-fi thriller Mills (Adam Driver), a spaceship pilot with 35 passengers on board, suffers an accident during a space flight. After a collision with an asteroid, he crashes on an unknown planet. Although the atmosphere here is breathable and the nature seems familiar, there is a mystery that Mills still cannot solve. With him there is Koa (Ariana Greenblatt), a young plane crash survivor. The two realize that they ended up on Earth 65 million years ago. Then the struggle for survival begins…

“Downtown Abbey II – a new era”

From October 30. TO Violet Crowleycountess GranthamA French aristocrat left an unexpected legacy: a villa by the sea. Lady Violet he moved with part of his family to the French Riviera. However, the wife of a French count is trying to manipulate the will of her deceased husband. Meanwhile, only the servants and Lady Mary: A movie is being filmed inside the mansion. The servants are excited by the presence of two silent film celebrities. Guy and Myrna. The director keeps Mary company, since the noblewoman’s husband is away again.

“The Exorcist of the Pope”

From October 31. Film, director Julius Averytells a story Father Gabriele Amorthinterpreted Russell Crowe, a royal priest who became the Vatican’s chief exorcist and performed more than 100,000 exorcisms during his life. Single mother named Julia (Alex Esso) intends to renovate the abbey. His family soon faces a terrifying event: his son becomes possessed by a demon during the night. During the investigation, Father Amorth reveals a conspiracy that has existed for centuries and which the Vatican tried to hide.

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