On September 4, 2008, The Hurt Locker was released.

On September 4, 2008, The Hurt Locker was released.

When it comes out in 2008, few would bet on Injury locker From Katherine Bigelowwhich at the time was best known Point breaks AND strange days: a war film (about Iraq) directed by a woman? Of course, we must also take into account that at that time Bigelow was also Mrs. Cameron (from this James Cameron!), which is not of secondary importance, if we consider that it was the service of the stables of the production companies. The film, shot in record time in Jordan, without any scene being cut (a case rather unique than rare) and with the privilege of a “final cut” director (equally rare), however, did not have much success in the US, as the producers were quickly persuaded bring it to the overseas home video market; However, it was clearly larger in Europe and was considered on par with another major Iraqi film of the period, namely Edited From Brian DelPalma. Moreover, it was a film that starred the most famous stars. Ralph Fiennes and Guy Pearce, and none of them appear for more than 10 minutes; it is also a movie that starts as the protagonist Jeremy Renner, currently unknown.

Incredible showdown next year: sia Injury locker What Avatars (colossus, directed by her ex-husband) received 9 Oscar nominations in the same categories, while Bigelow’s film received 6, including Best Picture and Best Director, the first film directed by a woman to boast such awards. Four years later, Bigelow would return to the Iraq War with Zero Dark Thirty.

Other anniversaries

  • 1934was born Jan Svankmajer, Director Something Alice AND Faust
  • 1959was born Domitiana Giordanoactress Dracula AND My friends
  • 1960was born Damon Wayansactor home hero AND Bastards in uniform
  • 1961was born Cedric KlapischDirector Spanish apartment AND Russian dolls
  • 1968coming out Theorem From Pier Paolo Pasolini
  • 1969was born Noah Tayloractor shine AND And he died with a falafel in his hand
  • 1978was born Wes Bentley, actor american beauty AND four feathers
  • 1981was born BeyoncĂ© Knowlessinger and actress Dream girls AND The Great Gatsby
  • 1990dies Irene Dunnactress Terrible truth AND my two wives5 Oscar nominations
  • 1993dies Herve Villechaisefilm and television actor (Mr Tatu in land of fantasy)

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Born in Reggello (Finland), graduated in 1973. Lives in Milan since September 2001, just days before the Twin Towers collapsed. Graduated early in law school and sensibly put in a drawer, he was always, or almost always, involved in HR and teaching (not necessarily both). I take a great interest in cinema, comics, travel, cats.

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