On this day of his escape in 1910, the poet Miguel Hernández traveled to Oriola

On October 30, 1910, Miguel Hernandez Gilabert, the poet and playwright most representative of Spanish poetry in the first half of the 20th century, arrived in Oriola (Baja Segura). If you belong to the ’36’ generation, you will have more contact and proximity with the ’27’ generation.

This is the third replacement for the group, which includes Miguel Hernandez Sanchez and Concepcion Guilabert. The old family is dedicated to goat farming. The two fathers are eager to improve their social status and are about to be nominated as “neighborhood mayors.” While his wife suffers from malatissa (chronic bronchitis) and a family disease. . ..

Miguel will be a goat herder from Hiquit. From 1915 to 1916, school education was conducted in the teaching center Our Lady of Montserrat i, from 1918 to 1923, he brought primary education togod’s love. In 1923 he began studying batxillerat at the Academy santo domingo d’Oriola, run by the Jesuits, will enable him to apply for a scholarship so that he can continue his two studies, but his father will now continue his studies. In 1925, he gave up his father’s studies and devoted himself to his work as a shepherd. While caring for Ramat, Hernandez became eager and wrote his first poem.

At that moment, Canon Luis Almacha became friends with Hernández and had free reign to pose with the likes of John of the Cross, Gabriel Miró, Paul Verlaine and Vigilli. His visits to the public library became more frequent, and he began to form an impromptu literary group with three young Oriolans and his friend Carlos Fenol. From that moment on, books became the main source of education and he became a completely autodidact. The great authors of the Spanish Cultural Gold Medal – Miguel de Cervantes, Lope de Vega, Pedro Calderon de la Barca, Garcilaso de la · Vega, and especially Luis de Gongora – would be their master.

On March 25, 1931, he won the first and only literary prize in his life for the poem of the same name, which was awarded by the Art Association of Orfeo il Lisita for a 138-stanza annotation. poetry. I sing for Valencia, the motto is “Light…, Birds…, Sun…”. The subject of the poem is the landscape and people of the Valencian coast, of which the Mediterranean Sea, the cities of Segura and Valencia, Alacante and Murcia, and especially Elx, are particularly prominent.

Since he would gain fame by publishing articles in different magazines and newspapers, on December 31, 1931, he would travel to Madrid to consolidate his position and support himself by starting a career. Comes with some poetry and advice.The friendship between Maruha and Marlowe inspired some of the sonnetsnever-ending lightning.

Miguel Hernandez married his German wife Elvira in a wedding on Gran Via in Madrid

Hello, I have friendships with Vincent Alexandre and Pablo Neruda. The poem is more social, embodying a commitment to the poorest and most vulnerable. In December 1935, the death of his friend Ramon Sieyé, to whom Hernández dedicated his famous elegy, aroused the passion Juan Ramon Jiménez expressed in the newspaper chronicles. sun.

Miguel Hernández has been a member of the Communist Party for 26 years. How escalating the Spanish Civil War was with the Republican alliance. In the summer of 1936, he joined the Spanish Communist Party. He appeared with the 5th Regiment and other units on the front lines of the battles of Trol, Andalusia and Extremadura. During the war I managed to visit Oriola briefly and on March 9, 1937 I married Josefina Manresa.

In the summer of 1937, he attended the Second International Congress of Cultural Writers in Madrid and Valencia, and then visited the Soviet Union on behalf of the government of the Republic. Quan Torà, I wrote the show Death Shepherd and more famous poems collected later man stalking. His first child, Manuel Ramón, was born in December 1937 and died a few months later, to whom this poem is dedicated. son of light and shadow recall with others Songbook and Absence Romance Book. In early 1939, I was born for the second time.

In April 1939, he completed the printing of “Valencia”. man stalking. When faced with the binding, Franco’s Purification Commission ordered the edition’s complete destruction. However, we will save two of the 1981 books for reissue.

His friend José María de Cosio offered to take him to Tudanca in Cantabria. However, I decided to go to Oriola, regretting my journey, and from there to Seville. He attempted to cross the Portuguese border via Huelva, but Salazar regime police handed him over to the National Guard.

His business was in Seville, and in the meantime Mrs. Josefina Manresa was sending a letter saying that she had just had something to eat.With response, the poet creates Onion Lullaby. He was transferred from Seville to Torrijos prison in Madrid. As a result of Pablo Neruda’s efforts before the Cardinal, in September 1939 he was unexpectedly released without processing.

Miguel Hernandez and Josefina Manresa

Return to Oriola and experience four betrayals and betrayals. Prisoners in Madrid’s Plaza Count de Toreno were sentenced to death in March 1940. Cossio and other intellectual friends, including the young man’s friend and vicar general of Oriola, Luis Almacha (later Bisbey de Leo Lani in 1944), advised per ell i se li commutà la pena per la de Trenta Anys.

In September 1940 he was transferred to Palencia Prison and in November to Ocaña Prison (Toledo). In 1941 he was transferred to the Alicante Adult Reform Institution together with his acquaintance Antonio Buero Vallejo, who painted a carbon portrait. emmaltir disappeared; it moved from bronchitis to typhus, which would complicate both tuberculosis. He was offered penicillin to renounce his atheism, but he refused.

Miguel Hernández in front of the Valencia City Council in July 1937

The painter Miquel Abad Miró was a friend of the poet and an illustrator of poetry, whose intervention influenced the work of Metge Antonio Barbero Carnicero Professional medical care played a decisive role, and he, in addition to recommending transfer to “Porta”, was able to temporarily improve the situation. Coeli” Hospital in Camp de Túria, but unfortunately the license was late.

At 31:00 in the morning on March 28, 1942, Miguel Hernández died in the Alicante prison infirmary. It was their inability to touch the hull that my friend Vincent Alexandre wrote a poem about.

Abad Miró was part of the funeral procession, accompanied by video, that escorted the body of the late poet to the cemetery and was responsible for paying the grave at Mare de Déu del Remei d’Alacant Cemetery No. 1009 Burial expenses, two days after death.

In February 2011, Spain’s Supreme Court refused to review Miguel Hernandez’s verdict, deeming it to have no legal effect.

Font:Miguel Hernandez Cultural Foundation / Nacho Otero Miguel Hernández, Prison and Death, Muy Historia / Viquipèdia

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