One case confirmed in San Antonio Este, two in Buenos Aires

It was confirmed this Monday three new cases Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) H5 detected in marine mammals Claromecó and the Rio Negro area of ​​San Blas, Buenos Aires and San Antonio Este. This was reported by the National Produce Health and Quality Service (Senasa).

Senasa National Laboratory diagnoses new samples positive for the disease, which were made at Sea lions were found dead in the towns of Buenos Aires and Rionegro.

First positive case of the disease found in the grande river, Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands.this The other areas are located in the Punta Bermeja Nature Reserve in the Rionegro; Necochea in Buenos Aires and Punta Loyola in Santa Cruz, Puerto Piramides in Mar del Plata and Chubut in Buenos Aires, and today of these three places.

These findings come within the framework of nationwide surveillance actions and health measures to prevent the disease, stipulated in the emergency declaration of HPAI-Senasa Resolution No. 147/2023.

Within sampling protocols, together with local authorities Identify burial sites for suspected dead animals to avoid any type of contamination or infection from other animals or humans.

Senasa clarified that the detection in marine mammals does not affect the self-declared animal health status at the World Organization for Animal Health (OMSA), Argentina is considered free of HPAI in poultry.

Advice on the Prevention and Control of Avian Influenza

Recommended by Senasa Do not handle dead animals or animals showing suspicious symptoms. Likewise, producers, institutions, and the public are reminded that notification is mandatory if high mortality, neurological, digestive, and/or respiratory symptoms in susceptible species are found in wild birds or in commercial or backyard poultry.

It is also advised not to travel to poultry farms or wildlife habitats after exposure to dead or symptomatic animals.

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