One in six Mexicans suffers from migraines, say experts at ABC Medical Center

September 12th is International Migraine Action Day.

CMexico City, September 12, 2023. – According to the Ministry of Health, migraine is a disease that affects 20 million people in Mexico, equivalent to less than one sixth of the country’s population, 70% of whom are women (1). Globally, data from the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate that this condition is one of the 20 most disabling diseases (2).

An estimated 20 million Mexicans suffer from migraines.

Dr. Diana Patricia Zabaleta Copasinternists and neurologists ABC Medical Center, explains that migraine is one of the most common neurological disorders; it is caused by the trigeminal nerve and its projections to the cranial vasculature, producing pain, affecting certain areas of the brain and causing inflammation. The prevalence of this condition in the general population is 15%.

It is one of the most disabling diseases and causes absenteeism from work.

Although the peak diagnosis of this health problem is before the age of 35, 10% of cases are found in children; people between the ages of 25 and 55 have higher rates of disability, which can lead to absences from work.

Often, when talking about migraine, it is thought of as just a headache, but it is much more than that. There are consequences not only in the work environment but also in the social and family environment. The reason for this is that some types of seizures can be severe and recurring, with attacks lasting from four hours to three days.


Headache, called headache, is the main symptom of a migraine attack. This pain occurs unilaterally, meaning it affects only one side of the head, which can be the left side, right side, forehead, or neck. It ranges in intensity from moderate to severe and is aggravated by exercise or physical activity.

The most common presentation is migraine without aura, but if there is aura it is accompanied by vision problems, tingling in the face or arms; sometimes it causes a change in speech, which usually lasts from five minutes to an hour, but in standard It’s five to fifteen minutes. The headache appears later, but in some cases other symptoms may persist.

40% of people with migraines have a genetic cause.

Experts point out that when it comes to migraine, one of the main factors in its occurrence is genetics, with up to 40% being genetic. But poor sleep hygiene, stress, strong sun exposure, and certain types of food (such as red wine or strong cheese) have also been linked to its development. Therefore, if a correlation is detected between a certain food and seizures, it is recommended to set its consumption aside.

Today, migraine is a painful and disabling condition. incurable; But it requires prompt medical care, adequate treatment and individualized follow-up to control its occurrence and its resulting side effects.Why it’s so important to receive prompt medical careadequate and individualized treatment.

Dr. Zabaleta noted that it’s common for migraine sufferers to abuse painkillers, which can lead to adverse side effects such as gastritis, kidney disease, or increased blood pressure. Another problem with using over-the-counter pain relievers is that they can cause chronic migraines, which will begin after 15 days of use and new attacks can last up to three months; an estimated 7 percent of This happens to patients.

Nonetheless, it is important to take general measures for such patients. Once a diagnosis is made, it is achieved through clinical studies and analysis of symptoms and risk factors. Sometimes alarm data can be detected, which requires a differential diagnosis of other conditions that can also cause this type of headache, for which imaging studies can be used.

ABC Medical Center provides support, treatment and education to improve patients’ quality of life.

“ABC Medical Center provides patients with comprehensive care that includes medications and alternative treatments, including neuromodulation through cranial magnetic stimulation therapy, lifestyle changes, or cognitive therapy,” explains Dr. Zabaleta.

Within the framework of the International Day of Action against Migraine, ABC Medical Center participates in commemorative events to provide support, treatment and education It helps patients with such diseases and their families achieve a better quality of life.

About ABC Medical Center

ABC Medical Center is an institution that cares about the health and safety of its patients through best medical practices. It is characterized by being supportive and inclusive, devoting resources to actions that improve health in Mexico, such as providing medical services to disadvantaged groups and conducting research and teaching for future doctors and nurses.

Life unites us with patients, their families, organizations and society at large in the fight for life and the well-being of our country.



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