Only now the reason for Fabio Fazio’s parting with RAI has become known, incredible.

Fabio Fazio left RAI for a few weeks, but the truth has only just become known. Fans of the conductor will not believe what they read once they know every detail.

The truth about Fabio Fazio’s farewell to RAI: ​​who could say that?

All or most TV channels planned changes that viewers didn’t like. Mediaset’s exclusion of Barbara D’Urso, who was suddenly left at home, was not appreciated. From September we will see Mirta Merlino in The Fifth Day.

At Viale Mazzini, everyone has gone crazy because one of the greatest and most beloved Italian TV presenters, Fabio Fazio, who has worked for 40 years in Rai, will no longer host Che Tempo Che Fa, its historical format, current events, politics, news broadcast on the official channel. national networks and shows. Luciana Littizzetto left with him.

Who is Fabio Fazio?

The career of the great conductor conveys the history of the world of television. It was great on a Sunday night at Che Tempo Che Fa when he hosted real world stars like Lady Gaga in his studio.

Viewers saw how excited he was when he announced that he would no longer work for RAI. After 40 years at Viale Mazzini, it was not easy for him to leave. Do you want to know the truth about his goodbye? You will never believe: here are all the details.

The truth about Fabio Fazio’s farewell to RAI

First of all, we will be able to see Fabio Fazio after his farewell to RAI again in Che Tempo Che Fa, on Discovery on channel 9, together with Luciana Littizzetto. Many wondered why the conductor said goodbye to Paradise.

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After some time, the truth came, which will leave an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth of the beloved public. Roberto Sergio, CEO of Rai, during a press conference to unveil the 2023/2024 schedules, stated that the host made this decision before he took over as CEO.

Not Fabio Fazio, but Roberto Sergio, CEO of Rai, revealed the secret

He did so apparently on the basis of a previous relationship that was not determined and which did not lead to a contract extension hypothesis.”

His words would confirm the rumors about the farewell of Fabio Fazio already planned in previous months. Finally, Roberto Sergio clarified that he has accepted the choice of the conductor and is considering a solution to allow a valid product to be inserted into the network.

At the moment it is known that Che Tempo Che Fa will replace Report.

Fabio is back!

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