Oppenheimer: The Dad Movie of the Decade (Here’s Why You Should Take Dad to the Movies) – Younipa

Oppenheimer is the “dad movie” of the decade, let’s see why you should take your dad to the cinema to watch this film.

Oppenheimer – Source: Internet

Around the world, with the exception of Italy, when Oppenheimer was released alongside Barbie in July, both films generated such overwhelming enthusiasm that a new term, Barbenheimer, was coined to describe this extraordinary ordeal between the two titanic films. . This is especially important given that since 2019 we have had few opportunities to go to the movies, and when we did, few people did.

There has been much discussion about the ideal viewing order for these two films, both of which deeply reflect our existence. They also talked about the ideal viewing format and even how to dress for such an occasion. However, among all these considerations, no one seems to have thought about the adult audience. That’s why it’s absolutely necessary to take your dad (or grandpa or uncle) to see Oppenheimer if you haven’t already.

Christopher Nolan’s biopic of the tormented inventor of the atomic bomb is a remarkable masterpiece. Few other cinematic minds have such mastery of the art of creating a truly compelling three-hour film of scientists talking to each other. Moreover, few directors can create such an exquisite and, dare I say, diabolical work that can attract the attention of everyone, especially fathers belonging to the baby boomer generation. These dads may have been Googling “Wikipedia Beginning” and “Principle Ending Explained” from their desktop computers.

Dads and grandparents have a passionate relationship with SìSeconda Guerre.

It is scientifically proven that many fathers love historical dramas, and most of those who are around 45-50 years old develop a real passion for researching the Second World War. There was a time when the History Channel’s entire existence was based on this premise before it focused on UFO-related content. Oppenheimer will give history buffs of the 1940s and 1950s exactly what they are looking for.

Oppenheimer turns into a legal thriller

Without giving too much away, the final hour of Oppenheimer turns into a gripping legal thriller that keeps the heart in suspense. John Grisham built his literary reputation on stories involving fathers. This third act of Oppenheimer is sure to surprise and excite your father or grandfather, giving them an unforgettable cinematic experience.

The technical data alone will speak for a month.

Repeat these words after me: “Did you know that 70mm Oppenheimer film reels weigh a whopping 600 pounds and are 11 miles long?” This will spark at least a 30-minute conversation focused solely on the logistics involved in creating, packaging and transporting such huge rolls of film.

Nolan is famous for movies about dads

It’s more or less clear that Christopher Nolan has been exploring the theme of fatherhood in his films for years. In Oppenheimer, he even gave the role of a character caught in an atomic explosion to his own eldest daughter. Regarding this choice, he stated: “I actually try not to overanalyze my intentions. But the fact is that if you create maximum destructive power, you will end up affecting even those who are near and dear to you. So I think this was my way of expressing it in the most powerful terms for me.”

Oppenheimer: exceptional cast

Finding an unknown face in the cast of Oppenheimer is a real challenge. Here is a list, as yet incomplete, of his translators, which includes such talents as Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Robert Downey Jr., Florence Pugh, Benny Safdie, Alden Ehrenreich, Jason Clarke, Matthew Modine, Rami Malek. , Kenneth Branagh, Gary Oldman, Casey Affleck, Josh Hartnett and David Krumholtz.

The film is so talented that even Oscar winners Rami Malek and Gary Oldman make brief appearances, each for about four minutes. Nolan deliberately planned many of these appearances to surprise and delay the actors’ revelations.

And what does dad love more than recognizing an actor on screen and saying his name out loud (“Gary Oldman!”) or leaning over and asking, “Where have I seen that before?”

As you may have guessed, there is really no competition. Oppenheimer represents a unique, can’t-miss opportunity to give your dad, uncle or granddad what they want more than anything else: three hours of immersive cinematic experiences they’re sure to love, bringing them back to the movies with enthusiasm.

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