Ortalığı karıştıran kare! Israel kızgın: 7 Ekim’de Sınırdan Hamas’la Birlikte Girdiler

1dk Okuma

7 More media reports were reported by the Associated Press, CNN International and the New York Times after Gazzelli published photos taken by the company yesterday. Please note that you will always know more about this.

An Israeli newspaper, 7 media sites affiliated with the Associated Press, CNN International, and the New York Times published a report on Gazzeli Photos she took yesterday are above.

An Israeli newspaper and unique ideological media Dorost Gaziticilik (honest reporting) New photos of Hamas were published on 7 sites by the Associated Press, CNN International and the New York Times, and were disseminated to the media by publishing photos of Hamas and Gazley. ‘sızdığını’ See belgelediğini yesterday above.

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If the top of the picture is closed, then the photo will be replaced by another image that will be removed from the screen;

“Hamas in Israel has carried out 7 clearance operations through continuous military plans: operations to reopen territories, clear territories, and destroy Belgian territories. Here’s what you’ll see – you can watch the video you’d pay for using the video camera you can watch on your phone.”

Gazetecilerin orda olmasının “Is there a way to format the same thing as sabahın erken saatlerinde sınırda beliriverdiklerini varsaymak mümkün mü? Yoksa Planın bir parçası mıydılar?” Açıklamasıyla sorgulayan sivil toplum kuruluşu, o güne dair fotoğraflara yer verde.

Israel Hokomitin Ikilmasi

Israel’s social media platform

Israel Kezgin: Savaş Sogu

Bugün İsrail mediasında yer alan haberlerde söz konusu fotoğrafın ‘ciddi etik soruları’ gündeme beliirtildi. The rail has a 14-inch Arutz channel, so you can save the old channel in the right place.

(Tags for translation) Israel

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