Osakidza to decide in September whether to get new COVID booster shot alongside flu shot

Osakidza to decide in September whether to get new COVID booster shot alongside flu shotunqualified

Gotzone Sagardui, Minister of Health of the Basque Country Osakidetza will make a decision in September, Based on standards and recommendations from experts, if you launch a campaign to manage New booster for covid-19 vaccine If said booster vaccine is given along with the annual flu shot, as it was done for a large portion of the population last year.

In an interview with “Euskadi Irratia” collected by the European publishing house, Sagadui admitted that the data on the evolution of the new crown virus in July revealed Increased incidence of virus in Basque country compared to previous months.

However, as Osakidza has insisted since releasing those figures last week, the consultant emphasized: The situation is “entirely different” compared to previous years.

“More Protected”

“Fortunately, the situation has nothing to do with that,” Sagardui said, noting that while the number of infections had increased, they hadn’t had “the same impact” on the population because in fact ‘More protected’ by vaccines and previous infections It may have been affected because the new variant currently circulating is considered “low risk” by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The head of the Basque government’s health department explained that the increase in the number of cases detected in July was part of a background of “ups and downs”, similar to what happens with other viruses such as influenza. As mentioned earlier, in the context of the new crown epidemic, these fluctuations may continue for months and even years to come.

The adviser also mentioned the possibility of managing the populace new booster dose Corona vaccine.

In this sense, he reported that experts will meet again in September to analyze the issue, and based on the criteria and recommendations developed by these experts, Osakidza will decide whether to launch a new vaccine against the new coronavirus. agent movement. 19 If reinforcers are injected, as was done last year for most of the population and an annual flu shot.

On the other hand, he reiterated that the Health Plan 2020-2030 does not open the door to telematics replacing face-to-face care, despite interpretations to the contrary by some sectors.

Personal and Telematics Concerns

The consultant recalled that the document would continue to be processed in September, noting that Osakidetza would take advantage of the possibilities offered by the new technology “Improving” aid to citizens, Increase and facilitate communication channels and patient access to health information.

However, he assured that his department did not ‘No intention’ to replace ‘in-person’ aid and face-to-face remote information consultation.

The consultant also mentioned the construction works of two new buildings in the Donostia hospital complex (one for the future proton therapy center and one for external consultations).

Sagardui announced that an alternative parking lot will be inaugurated to facilitate the parking of vehicles while these works are in progress.

Proton Therapy Apparatus

Furthermore, it reiterates that Proton Therapy Apparatus With an investment of more than 24 million euros, it will serve the entire Bascardi and surrounding municipalities.

The new building housing the department will house the latest in treatments to combat cancer and other diseases, including Four floors, two of which are underground.

A level below ground level will serve as a bunker, as radiation therapy performed in this space requires an isolated environment, and Important Safety Measures As explained by the consultant, he recalled that the unit was targeted to be operational in 2026.

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