Ourense’s flu advisories drop by nearly half

Influenza incidence has decreased in the province and other parts of Galicia.Infections and hospital admissions fall for second week in a row, according to health ministry data General Administration of Public Health. In the case of Ourense, tensions in primary care have been significantly reduced. Flu advisories account for half of registrations in the final week of 2023: From 239 appointments per 100,000 inhabitants then to 145 now.

Manuel da Costa, a doctor at the city’s Continuing Care Point (PAC), reported a decrease in flu symptoms among residents. “In the past few days, there have been fewer patients with general discomfort, fever lasting for several days, and severe headaches. Market ‘Colds and flu are on the rise’ The doctor explains in detail. Infection rates have decreased among both adults and minors. However, Da Costa noted: “The pressure on our healthcare has not decreased, nor should it lead to a decrease in influenza cases.” In this sense, he asked for greater awareness: “People are used to using PACs as health centers and not it.”

hospital pressure

Hospitalizations across seven health areas fell overall by 33% last week. By age, the proportion of people over 65 years old is the highest, with an income per 100,000 residents of 32.2%.according to public health report, Since the start of the flu season, nearly 3,000 people have been hospitalized with the infection in Galicia, with 154 requiring intensive care in intensive care units.

In the health districts of Ourense, Huelín and Valdeoras, the Christmas period is virtually 1,500 people hospitalized in Ourense Emergency treatment due to symptoms caused by respiratory viruses (mainly influenza, COVID-19 or respiratory syncytial virus).

in drug store

As the number of infections falls, so does the peak sales of masks and test kits registered by Ourense pharmacies. “Three Kings Week was still pretty strong, but starting the following week Respiratory disease cases have dropped significantly” explains Fernando Gil, pharmacist and member of the Council of Ourense’s Official College of Pharmacists (COF). Gill highlighted people’s increased responsibility: “Many people are deciding to wear masks to avoid infecting others.”

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