Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis at St. Cugat School, more than 100 people affected

Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis at St. Cugat School, more than 100 people affected

School appearance/photos: Google Maps

More than 100 people at Gora International School have been affected by acute gastroenteritis. The Catalan Epidemiological Emergency Surveillance Service (SUVEC) issued a notification of a possible outbreak on November 25 due to an unusual increase in cases with intestinal symptoms during the night of November 24-25. The investigation into the outbreak is proceeding step by step, but the Education Center ensures that the possibility of food poisoning is ruled out after analyzing samples from the country of origin.

As Tot Sant Cugat progresses, Cugat Media has been able to confirm that current figures put the number of people affected at 117. The main symptoms of those affected were vomiting (80%), abdominal pain (80%), general malaise (70%), diarrhea (40%) and fever >37.5C ​​(43%). Clinical symptoms resolve within 24-48 hours in 42% of affected individuals.

Three students required hospitalization for 24 hours. The center’s management explained that the situation “has normalized” and that only four students are currently affected. They also noted that the outbreak would only be concentrated in one building at the school, so they would rule out food poisoning as the kitchen supplies food to the entire centre.

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