Paillaco hospital announces audit after teen dies from hantavirus

On Tuesday, October 17, young Paillaquino Abraham Isaí Álvarez Ramírez would have celebrated his 17th birthday, however, it was a sad day for his family.

On the morning of Saturday, October 14, the teenager, who attended the High School of Dulfo Armando Felipe in Paya Coló, died at the Valdivia Base Hospital due to health complications caused by the hantavirus.

As commented sour daily On Thursday, October 12, Abraham’s cousin was taken to Paillaco Hospital after developing stomach pains, fever and diarrhea, where he was diagnosed with gastroenteritis and sent home.

The next day, his symptoms worsened and he developed respiratory problems, so the young man was again taken to the Paillaco Medical Center and this time was immediately referred to the Valdivia Base Hospital and transferred by the SAMU unit from La Unión There. Intubate along the way.

Abraham Isayi was already in hospital, and given the seriousness of his condition he went directly to the intensive care unit, where the first tests showed that he had fluid in his lungs, possibly due to the virus.

The young man subsequently fell into unemployment and, despite all efforts to revive him, died in the early hours of Saturday, October 14.


Los Rios Seremi Health Department Cristina Ojeda confirmed that Abraham Isay’s death was due to complications caused by hantavirus infection and reported that epidemiological and environmental investigations have been initiated to determine the contagion. Place.

Likewise, on Friday, October 20, the Los Rios Health Service confirmed to Grupo DiarioSur that the Paillaco Hospital had carried out a clinical audit of the relevant care processes.

The service declined to provide further information because this is an ongoing process.

The above-mentioned problems arose after the emergency services provided first medical care to the young man, who was referred to his home with a diagnosis of diarrhea and suspected infectious gastroenteritis, requiring rest and medication.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health’s currently valid “Clinical Guidelines for the Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of Hantavirus Cardiopulmonary Syndrome” points out clear symptoms of a suspected diagnosis, indicating the presence of a case of hantavirus infection.

Of note, living in or visiting rural areas is a risk factor, along with signs or symptoms such as fever, myalgia, headache, and gastrointestinal symptoms.

In light of these symptoms, a complete blood count, chest X-ray and rapid hantavirus test should be ordered, the instructions state.

In these cases, the advice I am aware of is immediate referral to a hospital with an intensive care unit and a blood sample taken to confirm the diagnosis, notifying the health authorities in the area immediately.

Health authorities have called for infection prevention. Learn about recommended precautions.

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Abraham Alvarez Ramirez is only 16 years old.

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