Palio guest list latest update 2 July 2023 Guest list at Palazzo Comunale – Brontolo speaks

02 July 2023

Updation of guest list of Municipal Administration in Palio which will run tomorrow 2nd July

Senator Patrizio Giacomo La Pietra, Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry

Manuel Campos Gualar, one of the owners of “Real Madrid” FC and business partner of Rafael Nadal

Esha Gupta, Indian actress, former Miss India

Producer for artists such as Rob Light, Bon Jovi, Harry Styles, Bruce Springsteen, Beyoncé and many more

Producer for many artists including Sam Feldham, James Taylor, Michael Bublé, Bryan Adams

Palio 2 July 2023 guest list at Palazzo Comunale

Min. Matteo Salvini

Honorable Galeazzo Bignami Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility

The Honorable Andrea Delmaestro Delle Vedov Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry of Justice

Augusta Montarulli

Senator Atelvardo Sigismondi

Honorable Giovanni Donzelli

Honorable Francesco Michelotti

Honorable Tiziana Nisini

Senator Guido Castelli

Chiara Tenerini

Honorable Francesco Mura

Luca Sabardella

Eugenio Gianni, President of the Tuscany Region

General of the Carabinieri Marina Marinelli Forestry Group

General Alessio Nardi of the Carabinieri Forestry Group

Ambassador Roberto Martini – Deputy Director General/Central Director for Migration Policies and International Mobility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ambassador Luigi Maria Vignali – Deputy Director General/Central Director for Migration Policies and International Mobility Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Anders Carsten Damsgaard, Ambassador of Denmark

Dr. Francesco Macro – Leonardo Company’s Board of Directors

san paolo marcheschi

actress christian anna

actor luca capuano

football coach mario beretta

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