Pamela Anderson Censored at G20 Summit Over Vegan Posters

An effective, direct and incisive campaign, so powerful that the billboards were quickly removed. Effective, if not offensive, but so much so that the methods of action refer to the harsh style of past times or are reminiscent of Salvini (as in the case of the banners taken down during the rallies in the spring of 2019). But the victim here is the far more famous actress Pamela Anderson in her now famous role as an activist and the face of PETA, the famed animal rights nonprofit that set out to rewrite the Bible in the spring. in a cruelty-free version.

G20 Information Campaign in India

“TOO HOT? The meat industry is the cause of climate disaster. G20: EAT VEGAN!”This message is printed on billboards all over New Delhi, from the airport to major transport arteries, next to a photograph (not “hot” this time) of the famous American actress. A campaign by PETA in India to try to draw attention to the role of animal agriculture in the global climate catastrophe and called on world leaders attending the G20 summit to go vegan. The short life of these posters, which were removed shortly after they were posted by authorities with no explanation given. to the organization.

Peta Delhi

Peta points the finger at the meat industry as one of the causes of climate collapse

“This stunning ad campaign called on G20 leaders to do the right thing and help save our planet.“, he claims Mimi Beheci, Vice President of PETA UK, Europe and Australia. “If G20 leaders and climate conferences continue to put the meat and dairy industries ahead of the environment, we can expect irreversible damage to our planet.” In fact, meat and dairy production accounts for about 60% of all food-related greenhouse gas emissions, making it a major contributor to climate change. Researchers from the University of Oxford found that avoiding meat and dairy consumption could reduce carbon dioxide emissions from food by 73%, and a global transition to a vegan diet could save up to 8 million human lives by 2050, reducing greenhouse gas emissions. emissions by two-thirds and provide significant healthcare savings.

Vegetarian menu for heads of state at the G20

After all, perhaps these posters could also be left in front of the dishes served at the G20 official dinner for the guests of President Draupadi Murmu. The menu, which was meant to be a journey through Indian aromas and tastes typical of the Sharad Ritu season (a type of Indian autumn that starts from mid-August to mid-October):

  • Paatram, Breath of fresh aircrispy millet leaf cakes topped with a scoop of yoghurt and spicy chutney
  • VanvarnamJackfruit flatbreads served with glazed wild mushrooms, millet chips and Kerala red rice fried with curry leaves
  • Mumbai Paosoft sandwich with onion seed flavor
  • Bakarkhanisweet focaccia with cardamom flavor
  • KashmirThat Kahwafilter coffee and Darjeeling tea
  • Leaves chocolate paan flavored

Completely vegetarian menu (even vegan, if not for the yogurt area!). India, in fact, is a country with a long and deeply rooted vegetable culinary tradition, long before it became a topic of environmental sustainability. So it’s doubtful that the sudden takeover may have been the result of a competition to see who could get the most posters of the Baywatch idol.

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