participants, actors, Schwazer, Vasilek| io woman

lnew era (after Berlusconi) Big Brother 2023 starts September 11 Channel 5. Nothing influential people in plaster and returns to ordinary people in the house reality, who will have to share premises and deal with the so-called celebrities. The formula has revolutionized Piersilvio Berlusconi promises fewer moments cheesy and verbally less extreme.

Silvio Berlusconi, great loves and scandals: all the women of the Knight

Silvio Berlusconi, great loves and scandals: all the women of the Knight

Among the titles of the new edition, always held Alfonso Signorinithis time with Cesara Buonamicinamed in role expert instead of a pair formed Sonia Bruganelli and Orietta Berti.

Big Brother 2023 Cast

New edition Big Brother then mix Whip and Nip. Who will enter the red door of the most famous TV house? From preview teleblogs I am a reporter Giampiero Mugini (which has been rumored for some time), former walker Alex Schwazerfresh from a great documentary Netflix who tells his story athlete and a doping case that banned him for eight years (now his goal is to qualify for the tournament). Olympic Games Paris next year) and singer cornflower. Instead, it gives the impression that you are not involved. Justin Mattera.

They will participate Samira Louieformer professor Heritage and competitor Such and what show (Do you remember her like this? Jennifer Lopez?), Actors Beatrice Luzzifamous for playing Eva Bonelli in soap Live, Cyrus PetronePi in the movie Gomorrah Matteo Garrone and the main character with a girl Temptation Island 2019, Greece Colmenaresformer competitorCelebrity Islandand handsome Maximilian Varrese who was in the show The beauty of women AND Carabinieri. There are also ordinary people in the cast, the casting of which is in the final stage.

GF 2023 Can he change course?

He will succeed Piersilvio Berlusconi “edit” in Big Brother? New autumn season Mediaset will open the era after Berlusconi (Silvio). With hope Alfonso Signorini he will not have to reproach, scold or kick me out of the house competitorsas happened so often last season. And how will the audience perceive it without their favorites? influential people? stay tunedmore news on the way.


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