Peak flu season in state set to arrive after Christmas

Peak flu season in state set to arrive after ChristmasEP

quantity Flu cases this season Expected to be lower than in 2022, although incidence will persist for longer and last longer Peak values ​​will be reached after ChristmasAccording to expert predictions, they confirm that with the arrival of the cold, the disease has begun to take its toll.

Data from the Carlos III Institute show that the incidence of influenza has increased in recent weeks. Has reached 2.1%although still well below the 14% reached in the same week last year.

“Since the first wave of cases that occurred in October 2022 has not yet appeared, this flu and cold season is expected to be more similar to what we experienced before the covid-19 pandemic broke out,” he noted. Nistal, from CEU St. Barb Department of Pharmacy, Luo University.

Symptom treatment

Although 3 out of 4 Spaniards Get the flu or cold at least once a yearA survey by Kantar revealed that 75% of people would not treat different symptoms, with only 40% saying they would turn to flu medications if symptoms worsened over time.

In this sense, experts insist on the importance of acting from the very beginning of the disease and adopting multi-symptomatic drugs, that is, attacking all forms of influenza.

“People turn to medication, e.g. paracetamol When a more efficient method can be found influenzabecause in addition to paracetamol, these drugs also contain other active ingredients,” stressed pharmacist Francisco Javier Iniesta.

Living with covid-19

Seasonal flu shares space with viruses SARS-CoV-2The company noted in a report that its vaccine was included in a flu vaccination campaign targeting high-risk groups that began in October last year amid a surge in cases last summer due to the emergence of two new variants. It will last until January. statement.

The vaccination campaign aims to immunize 75% of high-risk groups, as the interaction of the two infections has been observed to double the risk of death from co-infection.

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