People and pets get health care through Pittsburgh’s new ‘One Health’ program

On a warm Thursday in October, Katana, tail wagging, tentatively walked through a Pittsburgh parking lot beside her owner.

The 4-month-old Caramel Bulldog and her human companion, Terrie Scoggins, were greeted by a group of health care workers standing outside two mobile clinics. Scoggins, 41, and Catana were the only two patients on the field that day at Highmark Stadium, home of the professional football team the Riverhounds. The glittering Pittsburgh skyline rises in the background, spanning the Monongahela River.

Scoggins was wearing camouflage pants and carrying a large backpack. He works part-time at a bakery in Pittsburgh and worries about the cost of Catana’s daily injections, which is especially concerning because she recently got worms. He said another of his puppies died from worms a few days ago.

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