Pesaro immersed in dance, four shows in the itinerary that touch different areas of the city

Pesaro – The journey of the dance in the itinerary that touches the different areas of the city: pesaro dance focus Starting today, Saturday May 27, ’17 offers an interesting insight into the new languages ​​of the dance form as part of the festival beyond the theater,


It begins at 17 o’clock in the Sala della Repubblica of the Rossini Theatre, with a composition for four dancers by Pablo Girolami, born in Neuchâtel with Italian-Spanish origins and graduated from the Tanz Academy Zürich, which at the time was a It was a journey. and space that links primal roots and the near future. The strength of the community is witness and interpreter of the spirit of freedom and joy, celebrating the journey of travel in a ritual filled with enthusiasm. Dancers are Lou Thabart, Samuel Arici, Guilherme Leal, Pablo Girolami, music by Alim Kasimov, Fergana Kasimova, Troja, Nico Sun & Slow Nomaden, Acid Arab feat Radia Menel.
“Yeh 2 Gujarenge” at 6.30 pm at Palazzo Gradari, a show by Israeli duo Orion Yohannan and Ilana Sarah Claire Belahsen, a beastly, sensual, sexy and self-deprecating duo that presents an open vision of womanhood Is. Experience. The show examines the various states of tension that arise from the clash between two opposites, between social and personal dictates and authentic desires, between accepted restraints and the ability to break them in search of a personal voice, in women’s lives. Between glorification and objectification in popular culture, between censorship and oppression in religion, between rape culture and violence against women, between the biological power of women to create life and the struggle for peace, between language that creates reality and reality that is represented by words. Can’t find Music by Haim Nachman Bialik, Spice Girls, Madonna, Aqua, Britney Spears, Beyoncé Christina Aguilera, Shimon, Buskila, Radiohead, Kami San Sons, Guns N’ Roses. Inspired by the work of Fernando Pessoa the very young artist of Campania Adriano Bologhino at the age of 21 at the Experimental Theater presents “Rua da Saudade”, a show that elaborates the rare concept of Saudade by entrusting the dance to four young and intense dancers Is. In “Rua da Saudade”, with Rosaria Di Maro, Noemi Caricchia, Sofia Galvan, Roberta Fanzini, Bolognino explores the intimate form of his own and Saudade’s, relating it to others: «A special feeling – he explains – Which can be crossed alone and in company. A creation within which is lack and desire, pain and tenderness».

grand finale

The intensive day closes at 10.30 pm in Annunziata Church, performing “This Is My Body (Another Ophelia)” with Giada Valati and Francesco Sacco, a work that stems from a research path around Shakespeare’s character. The show consists of a ritual of reappropriation through loss: movement and sound focus on the repetition of Francesco Sacco’s music. Info: Teatro Sperimentale 0721387548. Subscription for four shows 20 euros, single ticket from 5 to 10 euros.

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on Corriere Adriatico

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