Pirates and Corsairs Day in honor of the 20th anniversary of the Pirates of the Caribbean saga

Are you ready to sail with the wind at your back and raise the pirate flag? In the magical world of Zoomarine, anything can happen, and here on September 16, a super event is being prepared that will captivate the visiting team. For the 20th anniversary of the famous film saga “Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl,” the first chapter of which was released in the United States on July 9, 2003 and in Italy on September 5 of the same year, the Torvaianica Amusement Park decided, in fact, to consecrate this day with an event “ Day of Pirates and Corsairs”, which will host an exceptional guest star: Massimiliano Rodi, a renowned performer, who will take on the role of captain. Jack Sparrow, ready to draw his sword and smiles for a meeting like true connoisseurs. During the day you will also be able to learn about the existence of other sea raiders who, through myths and legends, have contributed to the history of the oceans over the centuries. Some will star in the Pirate’s Galleon diving show, performing amazing acrobatic feats as Captain Hook and others. Invasion and plunder, purely for fun, in the Pirate’s Lagoon, where families can try their hand at attacking boats, “shooting” the water to win the loot: gold-plated coins and bars, all with the indulgence of chocolate! Between one challenge and the next, there was no missing out on a real treasure map adventure thanks to the themed Escape Room created by Escape Room makers Anagnina, a children’s art corner and a Knot Race tournament. thanks to the experts of the Naval League of Ostia, who will present a series of messages regarding the intervention strategies implemented for the protection of the sea, which for children starts with good practices of respecting the environment, the correct use and recycling of plastic. Exciting entertainment is open to all guests of the amusement park and swimming pools. Educational tours will also be available to meet the animals. Then on September 17th we can look forward to the arrival of some of the main characters from the cult series “Mare Fuori” for another exciting live performance.

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