Pirates of the Caribbean, Johnny Depp to return? this is sean bailey

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Over the years, one of the most loved actors by the masses for his versatility, Johnny DeppAmber Heard has been a target of the media because of the Johnny Depp affair. The latter has dealt the actor a major blow, it’s undeniable, but perhaps there is hope for one of his iconic roles: Jack Sparrow,

in a recent interview for new York Times in which discussed future of the franchise Pirates of the CaribbeanPresident of Walt Disney Studios Motion Picture Production Sean Bailey provides some key updates on Johnny Depp’s involvement.

First, Bailey revealed that: “We believe we have a really beautiful and exciting story that respects the films that came before and also has something new to offer.“. Immediately thereafter, the same named the plaintiff, reporting that the plaintiff is “not busy at the moment” Together disney,

One answer, though, still leaves doubt: Will Depp be there? In general, Jerry Bruckheimer has shown himself open to a Johnny Depp return in recent months, revealing for time limit He “He is very good at what he does and actors take a back seat from such things. He is a nice person and very thoughtful. He’s someone you can count on and he’s amazing.”

Source: comicbook.com

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