‘Pirola’, the new ’emergency’ Covid variant

this World Health Organization announced the end global health emergency On May 5, Covid-19 broke out. However, as the months passed, the incidence of the disease fluctuated, producing new cases. Variants.one of them is BA.2.86returncalled “Pirola“.

Against this background, World Health Organization Warning of new subvariant of Ómicron called ” Pirolafirst discovered on August 13. Therefore, this was added to the so-called “Eris“, which is believed to be the reason for the rebound in cases this summer. Therefore, WHO It advises “maintained and heightened vigilance” in August.

Only six cases registered, five of them asymptomatic

Pirola” have been found in four countries, including U.K., USA, Israel and Denmark. Among them, only 6 cases were registered, and 5 of them were asymptomatic.Due to the low incidence, the symptoms presented by this subvariant are currently unknown Omicron.

but that WHO On August 17, described “Pirola” as an “emergency variant”.This category has been assigned to the following subvariants Omicron About 30 variations due to its different mutations amino acid in the spike protein.

Since it was classified as an “emergency variant”, a large part of the population was shocked.Relatedly, biologists Department of Integrative Biology of University of Guelph, Canadaexist Ontario (Canada)expressed through his account Twitter, should not draw hasty conclusions that cause panic among the public. So, he said they only had six sequences in total, and most of them were not related to patients in whom symptoms could be observed.

There are approximately 30 amino acid changes in the spike protein of the Omicron subvariant.

Experts are already evaluating the variant by growing it to test its ability against human antibodies. Additionally, they detail that the sequences found are very similar to each other, suggesting that “they emerged recently and spread rapidly”.

“ERIS”, another variant of summer

other Variants has spread rapidly, especially in USA,already”Eris“. Its presence has been detected in 53 countries, so Desease control Centre suggest it was responsible for 17% of recently registered coronavirus cases.

Among its symptoms, besides the common known Coronavirus diseaseacute sore throat, digestive disorders and conjunctivitis.

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