Pneumonia cases continue to rise, where to get the pneumococcal vaccine

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Mexican health experts have warned that the number of cases has increased in recent months. pneumonia cases.Therefore, they are calling on the public to apply pneumococcal vaccinewhich prevents 90% risk of developing severe pneumonia in more vulnerable people.

Guillermo Martínez Cuevas, director of the Department of Pulmonary and Inhalation Therapy at Hospital Juárez (HJM) in Mexico, emphasized in a statement, Pneumonia is the leading cause of death in people over 65and in recent months there have been Increase in cases among pediatric patients and infants.

Who and where should get the pneumococcal vaccine?

this pneumococcal vaccine Stanley Vega Barrientos, an expert at the National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, said it is safe and effective in preventing the disease and should be given to girls and boys aged 2, 4 and 6 months Used on the body and given as a booster between 12 and 15 months of age. (Nel).

  • Girls and boys under five years old must receive four doses between 2 and 15 months of age.

He added that they should also get vaccinated People aged 5 to 59 with chronic conditionsand people elderlywho should be Immunization every five years.

“The pneumococcal vaccine is free in all health units of the health sector and is part of the national vaccination programme.”

Stanley Vega Barrientos, INER Specialist

People susceptible to pneumonia

this pneumonia cases They are mainly manifested in:

  • elderly
  • Children under five years old
  • People with chronic respiratory disease, diabetes, heart disease, liver, kidney, heart problems, or a weakened immune system

Vega Barrientos explain Girls and boys under five years old More Tendency to develop pneumonia Due to an immature immune system, elderlydue to aging and physiological changes that affect innate and adaptive immunity.

How does this condition spread?

The expert assured that Pneumococcal bacteria can be spread from person to person By aerosols from the infected person’s environment. It can lodge in the throat and nose, and from there spread to the respiratory system.

He said, Complications from COVID-19 or the flu can also cause pneumonia Some patients require mechanical ventilation, intensive care, and respiratory support.

he pneumonia treatment Since bacteria are based on antibiotic.However, if it is a Flu complicationsMust use antiviral drugs. In some cases, it is necessary to provide supplemental oxygen and mechanical ventilation.

What is pneumonia? How to prevent it?

this pneumonia, also known as pneumonia, is a lung infection that causes inflammation of the small air sacs called alveoli. This may cause symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath and chest pain. The National Autonomous University of Mexico explains that it is one of the leading causes of death worldwide.

“Prevention is key and measures include Vaccinationhe handwashing leafavoid smoking they can Reduce risk of infection“, emphasized the university.

In itself, Jorge Salas Hernández, School of Medicine Scholar To prevent this, the agency said, “You must be vaccinated and practice respiratory care.

“This is a common infection that anyone can get, but some people are more at risk. When you encounter respiratory symptoms that occur in winter, it is best to see a doctor.” He emphasized.

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