Poisoned dogs | Two dogs died of poisoning in Fuos city

They reported that two dogs died from poisoning in FoiosLevante-EMV

Foos pet owners once again on alert following other incidents last Sunday Two dogs died after apparently ingesting meat remains contaminated with a powerful toxin.this is what he reported Improve EMV One of those affected is Ana Espídos, who a few days ago had to say goodbye to her dog Lua, a Labrador who was only 5 years old.

“It’s very difficult. We are heartbroken and helpless Because it was a deliberate act,” said the young woman. She explained that they noticed the first symptoms soon after returning from their walk. “At first we thought it was gastroenteritis” because The first symptoms he started experiencing were vomiting and diarrhea.

A few hours passed and the dog started “drooling a lot.” This puts owners on alert. However, during the night Lua started having seizures, so they made an emergency trip to the vet. Unfortunately, on the way to the vet, the dog died.

More animals are affected

Lua’s death is not an isolated incident Since the same day, there has been a second affected dog, Trufa. Anna claims to know there are more cases in the city, so they are not the only ones. “Overall, we’re talking about a lot of animals that are affected. We have evidence of seven dog deaths so far this year. To this we must add the surviving patients,” he denounced. Today, Neighbors of Foios are trying to contact other affected neighbors to find out the true scope of the problem and requiring local authorities to respond proportionately to what is happening.

And according to him, On the day Lua died, he notified the local police It was only yesterday that the council issued an alert to its neighbors through the council. Furthermore, those affected explained that the poison used in the crime was a potent poison that had been banned for more than 20 years. “I saw some black balls that caught my attention I went to the cooperative to ask. They told me it was a poison worse than cyanide“.

Trufa was another victim of poisoning in Foios on Sunday

Although at first they thought Lua was infected with some kind of virus, “Veterinarian confirmed death from poisoning”, explain. Apparently the modus operandi used is to introduce this ingredient into leftover meats, such as secret meats or sausages.In this way, they attract the pet’s attention and thereby Depending on weight, size and intake, they will suffer one or another fate.

Three cases were reported in January

As one of those affected explained to Levante-EMV in January, the first complaint to the National Guard was made in November 2022.He then pointed out one particular neighbor who, according to him, “went around and committed crimes such as Littering, straw burning, urinating on public roads and poisoning result, kill two cats.This last fact inspired Second complaint made to the security forces and the local police of Foios “He went to the scene after the cat died,” a neighbor said at the time.

Next, Another neighbor’s dog was poisoned and, although it didn’t die, had to be hospitalized for several days. veterinary. A few days later, A dog died within minutes after ingesting a substance between an open space and a playground in Delham Street.

According to those affected, the area where the Foos poisoning occurred

At the time, Foos residents accused the city government of inaction. The town’s mayor defended himself against some criticism, explaining that “once the substance in question can be identified, We will communicate online and sideways Because, on the one hand, If this is the case please make an appeal to the person who was poisoned as we don’t know if this was intentional and alert neighbors.

City Council issues municipal order

This time, after learning about the events that took place last weekend, the Foios City Council Municipal orders were issued through their social networks Alert neighbors to the problem.

“In the last days Two dogs died from poisoning.probably originating from Macarella Road and the town’s South Circular Road,” the statement began. “The apparent cause is the ingestion of pieces of meat mixed with rodenticide, which leads us to suspect the intent of poisoning. Local police have filed a lawsuit against the National Guard in an attempt to find out who is responsible for the alleged crimes.anyone”.

also, The committee issued a series of warnings to avoid new cases.Therefore, pet owners are asked Keep pets on a leash when walking and make sure they don’t eat anything off the ground. People are also asked to report any suspicious behavior to local police or the National Guard.

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