Pope Francis leaves US Cardinal Raymond Burke without apartment and salary

vatican city. – he Francis Will leave the ultra-conservative American cardinal without an apartment of more than 400 square meters and reduce his salary Raymond Burkewas one of Francisco’s most critical, as he publicly stated on many occasions.

The decision has not yet been made public, but was circulated among some conservative blogs, with reports saying that a meeting with party leaders on November 20 clergy (Vatican Ministries), Francisco He informed them that he would cancel the cardinal’s rent of privileges and reduce his salary.

Austen Ivereigh, British journalist, author, and professor of contemporary history Oxford universityThe author of “The Great Reformer”, who is close to the pope, explained to EFE that Francesco spoke to him about the decision in a brief meeting. VaticanAlthough he wanted to clarify, the pope never called the cardinal an “enemy” as some media noted.

According to other media reports such as Corriere della Sera, the pope may explain that the reason for his move was disunity caused by cardinals He is using that apartment and salary the Vatican gave him to fight against the Church.

“I never used the word ‘enemy’ nor the pronoun ‘my’,” the pope explained to Iveyri. “I only announced this at the synod without giving a specific explanation.” Fei.

The American cardinal turned 75 last June. Bishop’s retirement agePresident of the Supreme Court of Apostolic Signature and former Honorary Patron Knights of Maltaso he does not have any position in the Vatican.

Even so, it has an apartment just a few meters away. St. Peter’s Square The area is more than 400 square meters, and according to Iveri, he continues to receive a monthly salary from the Vatican of 5,000 to 6,000 euros.

Burke has yet to respond, but in his regular newsletter written exclusively for believers, he said, without mentioning any specific facts, “Confusion, division and error have even entered the church“.

Also read Pope Francis fires US Bishop Joseph Strickland, highly critical of him

he Cardinal Burkeone Francisco the most pickyThe day before the synod began, Francis attended a meeting dubbed the “Synodal Tower of Babel,” a meeting in which the laity, including women, were able to vote for the first time and were heavily criticized.

In addition, previously Burke and other retired cardinals, e.g. Walter Brandmiller from Germany, Mexico Juan SandovalRobert Sarah, a native of Guinea, and Joseph Zen, retired Archbishop of Hong Kong, published a letter raising five “questions” about the synod to Pope Francis.

In their letter, they expressed their concerns because ” Blessings for gay couples can cause confusion not only because they look similar to marriage; Homosexual behavior will be considered a good behavior” and other issues.

Years earlier, after the publication of the apostolic exhortation Amitabha, Burke had been involved in another letter to the pope, filled with misgivings.

On November 11, Francis announced the dismissal of Joseph Strickland as Bishop of the Diocese of Tyler (Texas) in the United States after an inspection.

Strickland is an outspoken critic of Francis, and in 2018 he joined former ambassador to the United States Carlo Maria Vigano in accusing the pope of alleged knowledge of Cardinal Francis. The abuse of Odo McCarrick.

Also read ‘I am alive’: Pope Francis abandons COP28 due to acute bronchitis

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