Pope Francis suffers from bronchitis

Pope Francis continues to battle the flu that has affected him in recent days, now complicated by bronchitis. At the inauguration of the Judicial Year at the National Tribunal in Vatican City, the pontiff, visibly exhausted, decided to give his speech to Bishop Ciampanelli to read.

«I have prepared a speech, but as you can see, I cannot read it due to bronchitis. “I’ll ask Bishop Ciampanelli to read it,” the pope commented in an affected voice.

Despite these health concerns, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin said the pope “feels good.” The tests carried out at Gemelli Hospital on Tiber Island were described as “routine”.

Last Monday, the Vatican reported that the pope had “mild flu-like symptoms, although no fever,” but scheduled audiences were suspended as a precaution. Although his ill health has caused concern this time around, the pope appears to be recovering and continues to receive medical care as his condition improves rapidly.

During his recovery, the Pope continued to express his love and support for those who suffered, especially during these difficult times. Through messages on social networks and official statements, he urged unity and hope in the face of adversity.

Despite his failing health, the pope has maintained an active agenda, attending meetings and audiences via video conference. Despite the physical difficulties he faced, he remained steadfast in his commitment to social causes and pastoral work, demonstrating his determination and dedication.The faith and prayers of millions of believers around the world accompany the pope’s recovery process. In preparation for Lent and Holy Week, many Catholics have come together to pray for the health and well-being of Pope Francis, confident that he will soon make a full recovery and continue his important work as leader of the Catholic Church.

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