Pope was transferred to Gemelli hospital after suffering from influenza for several days

Pope Francis, 87, was transferred to the Rome Gemelli Hospital Undergoing some tests to assess the severity of the flu forced him to suspend his schedule for Saturday and Monday.

The pope entered the same center twice last year. In March, due to complications respiratory tract infectionBy; June, perform surgery on him abdominal herniaI threatened to clog his intestines.

According to Italian media reports, Francesco arrived in the city center in his usual vehicle and returned shortly after.

The Pope held a public audience with thousands of people in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican on Wednesday, but He said he was still a little cold and wanted the Catechism to be read by a collaborator. “I still had a little cold, so I asked Monsignor Filippo Ciampanelli to read the catechesis,” Francis said, arriving in a wheelchair in the Paul VI classroom where the audience was.

Last Monday, the Vatican reported that “Although I don’t have a fever, I have mild flu symptoms.”But the planned hearing has been suspended as a precaution. Francis did celebrate the traditional Sunday Angelus prayer on Sunday, leaning out the window of the papal palace and reciting it in a good voice before thousands of worshipers gathered in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican.

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