Pope welcomes ordinary people despite flu

Francis continues a series of catechesis on apostolic zeal, reflecting on the Christian mission to share the joy of the Gospel.
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he pope francisco On Wednesday, it held a public reception as usual. Twelve hours after he attended the Dubai Climate Summit (Twenty-eighth meeting of the Conference of the Parties) Canceled on doctor’s advice due to persistent flu symptoms. However, this time the interview was not held in the cold and windy St. Peter’s Square, but in the Paul VI Hall of the Vatican.

“I still don’t feel well,” Francisco began, “I still have the flu and my voice doesn’t sound good.” So, the bishop Ciampanellireading aloud his prepared speech.

In his catechesis on Apostolic Zeal, the Pope reflected on his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Evangelii, focusing today on the current Christian proclamation of the joy inherent in the message of Christ.

contemporary pessimism
“You almost always hear bad things said about current events,” he noted, acknowledging that war, climate change and general injustice do contribute to this contemporary pessimism.

Technological progress and individualism often combine to make our natural desire for greatness succumb to the “economic logic of greed,” the pope said.

“We might even say that we are in the first civilization in history that seeks to organize a human society on a global scale, concentrated in huge cities and despite the dazzling skyscrapers, without the presence of God. But the cities remain level.”

The delusion of unity and omnipotence is reminiscent of the story of the Tower of Babel. Humanity speaks the same language and wants to reach heaven, but God changes the cards and restores differences. Francis stressed that so-called “mono-mindedness” and the pursuit of power are dangerous temptations, which is why the Lord prevented a catastrophe through his intervention.

“The story does seem to be popular: even today, cohesion, rather than brotherhood and peace, is often based on ambition, nationalism, homogeneity and techno-economic structures that inculcate the belief that God is insignificant .and useless: not so much because we seek more knowledge, but more power.

The “Here and Now” of Redemption
Responding to this situation, Pope Francis said that Evangelii Gaudium seeks to invite the Church to spread our culture through new ways of understanding humankind’s relationship with God and each other.

“Jesus could only spread by assimilating into the culture of his own time; and always keeping in mind the words of the apostle Paul about the present: ‘Behold, now is the favorable hour; behold, now is the day of salvation,'” he said.

The Pope added that when we bear witness to the truth with our lives, it becomes more credible.

Fill society with the joy and hope of the gospel
He went on to offer a more positive view of contemporary culture, noting that the gospel offers a message of hope for every age, including our own.

He said: “The zeal of the apostles was never a simple repetition of an acquired style, but a testimony of the gospel that remains with us today.”

The Church must take to the streets of the world to promote encounter and solidarity, rather than shouting the name of Jesus from balconies, the Pope said.

Finally, Pope Francis said the Church must be at the crossroads of society so that Christians can fill our pessimistic society with the hope and joy of the Gospel.

“In summary, we not only need to change today’s world, but we also need to change pastoral care so that it better embodies the Gospel in today’s world”

“Let us make the wishes of Jesus our own: to help our fellow travelers not to lose their desire for God, to open their hearts to Him and to find the only One who brings peace and joy to humanity today and forever.” +

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