Powerful Vitamin D Foods to Prevent Disease in Winter

this Vitamin D It regulates different functions of the body in an organic manner, that is, the presence of this nutrient increases when it is exposed to sunlight.Things change during the period winterbecause the weather turned rainy.

Low temperatures reduce the body’s defenses, making it susceptible to infection Respiratory Diseasessuch as colds, allergies, bronchitis and rhinitis.

Additionally, it can worsen discomfort in people with asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, or pneumonia. In this context, Vitamin D It plays an important role because it keeps the immune system in optimal condition through simple measures (food).

Blue fish are a natural source of vitamin D. Photo: Pixabay

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During this period winterThe National Institutes of Health (INS) explains that vitamin D is an essential nutrient for health because it helps the body absorb calcium, one of the main substances necessary for strong bones.

Muscles need this vitamin for movement and conditioning temperaturewhich nerves use to carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body.

Vitamin D is also essential for the immune system to fight bacteria and viruses. Virus who attacks him. This condition occurs naturally when a person is exposed to the sun, but should be kept in moderation.

The INS details that in the absence of sunlight, one way to supplement vitamin D intake is through food. When this nutrient is missing, a deficiency develops, and the signs are:

  • fatigue
  • mood changes
  • weakness
  • Muscle pain
  • Cold sensation

Salmon is one of the most recommended foods if you want to prevent disease. Photo: Pixabay

On the other hand, the Mayo Clinic portal highlights that certain groups—particularly obese people, dark-skinned people, and people over 65 years old—may have low vitamin D levels for their own reasons. feedlittle exposure to sunlight or other factors.

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he fish It is a food that provides the body with essential vitamin D during the winter season. Specifically, salmon Contains high levels of said nutrients.

Salmon contains 15 micrograms of vitamin D per 100 grams, which is enough to meet the daily intake. In turn, this blue fish is a rich source of protein and fatty acids. Omega 3.

As if that wasn’t enough, consuming salmon can also lower blood sugar levels. cholesterol and triglycerides, which improve blood circulation and help prevent blood clots from forming.

In this cold season, salmon It becomes an adjuvant in reducing the occurrence of common respiratory diseases. It’s versatile in the kitchen and can be grilled, baked, thrown into broth or served with salads.

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