President of Kazakhstan Tokayev broke tradition: Russians were surprised – latest world news at the last minute

The entire Russian delegation, including Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, listened to Tokayev’s speech via headphones. Tokayev began his speech in Kazakh and then continued in Russian.

“We build relations between countries on the basis of mutual respect and trust.”

“Russia is Kazakhstan’s strategic partner and ally. On the basis of the established values ​​of common history, enduring friendship, mutual respect and trust, we have built relations between countries, which are a shining example of achieving common goals,” Tokayev said. He said that cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia “I would like to emphasize its commitment to the strategic path to further deepen multifaceted cooperation with Turkey.”

In his speech after Tokayev’s speech, Putin touched on the alliance’s relations with Kazakhstan and said: “We discussed international issues. We particularly drew attention to our contacts through the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO).” , which Kazakhstan currently chairs. He said, “We agreed with the president to continue joint support for the development of all these forms and strengthen the alliance within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, whose presidency will be transferred to Kazakhstan next year.”

(tags for translation) Kazakhstan

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