Primary care in Navarre: 325 scabies consultations

Scabies (scabies) is a parasitic skin infection that causes papules, blisters, and itchy linear grooves. It is spread from person to person through direct close contact (cohabitants, caregivers, sexual partners) or through clothing. Recently, Spain and other countries have seen outbreaks occur more frequently. In Navarra, the number of primary care visits has been high since 2021.This year, specifically between October 1st and 29th, it happened 325 primary care scabies consultationsAccording to the epidemiological report of the Institute of Public and Occupational Health of Navarra (ISPLN).

To effectively treat scabies, all cases potentially associated with the outbreak must be tested, including close non-household contacts; simultaneous treatment of all cases and their contacts must be planned and coordinated; and treatment procedures “clearly explained”, the ISPLN states.

High incidence of acute gastroenteritis

In addition to scabies cases, the number of acute gastroenteritis cases continues to remain at a high level, 379 cases Seen in primary care last week. There are various causative factors, mainly viruses.

Recommendations for preventing and controlling gastroenteritis include practicing good hand hygiene regularly and always after using the toilet and before eating or handling food. Children with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis should not go to day care until their symptoms have completely resolved. People with symptoms of acute gastroenteritis should avoid handling food or cooking for others until symptoms completely resolve.

On the other hand, since September, the circulation volume Bordetella pertussisand 13 confirmed cases There are 4 suspected cases of whooping cough in Navarra, aged between 4 months and 17 years. The disease begins with an irritating cough that becomes paroxysmal within a week or two and may be accompanied by inspiratory wheezing. Episodes usually end with mucus discharge. This will last for several weeks. It can spread from person to person within the first 10-20 days.

The clinical manifestations of pertussis vary with age and vaccination history. In infants younger than 6 months old, the typical symptoms of stridor may not appear, and apnea may occur after the spasm. Children under 6 months of age, especially those who have not completed their primary vaccination series, “are at risk of complications and death.”

Slight increase in influenza syndrome cases

The number of presentations for acute respiratory infections in primary care remained stable, with a slight increase in influenza syndrome cases and a decrease in covid-19 cases.The interest rate is 519 cases per 100,000 inhabitantsAmong them, 13 per 100,000 people correspond to influenza syndrome, and 29 per 100,000 people correspond to COVID-19.

‘Different respiratory viruses can spread throughout the year’

Three people have been hospitalized with covid-19 and one has died. Three cases of influenza have been confirmed this week, all of which are influenza A (H1N1). Two cases required hospitalization. Two cases of respiratory syncytial virus have been confirmed, one of which required hospitalization. There is no indication for use with nirsevimab. High circulation of rhinoviruses, and to a lesser extent other viruses such as enteroviruses, adenoviruses, and parainfluenza viruses, is found in patients with acute respiratory infections.

As a result, public health authorities note that “different respiratory viruses can spread throughout the year” and recommend maintaining preventive measures to avoid severe cases in vulnerable populations due to advanced age or chronic illness.

general mortality

During the week of October 16th to 22nd, 103 people died (Full data was available last week), with values ​​”within the range expected for this time of year.” Preliminary estimates for the week of October 23-29 suggest the death toll remains at a similar figure. There have been about 140 fewer deaths than expected so far this year, due to a “mild” respiratory virus season and the “moderate impact” of the heatwave.

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