Princess Awards 2023 | La Vega Costume Film: Aída Carballo reveals tricks not seen on the big screen

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Video: Makeup artist Aída Carballo gives a film makeup masterclass at the FPAfrica Awards.Mickey Lopez

There is a constant flow of people at FPAfrica in Oviedo, where the event takes place starting at 10 am today. That’s when master classes and characterization workshops began, taught in several sessions by makeup artist Aida Carballo, who has a studio in Gijon and has worked on series such as “El Cid” or “El Hoyo”.

Carballo explained to the attendees how to plan characterization in an audiovisual work, film or series, he commented on some of Meryl Streep’s characterizations in her films, shared some of his techniques, and commented on His work gave a horrific presentation.

For this she enlisted the cooperation of 11-year-old Emilia Perez Von Zeipel, who left her seat and handed herself over to the professionals.

Caballo had already warned during class: “Handsome and beautiful, no one can leave here, it will become a mess.” When Emilia left, her face was covered in blood, scarred, and her hair and teeth were dirty. , but very happy. As she developed the character, she felt terrified more than once as she looked in the mirror and on a screen that magnified the makeup process.

In the warehouses of the old weapons factory, events, storytelling, workshops and concerts are held throughout the morning and afternoon. Now, in the vestibule of the warehouse, narrator Héctor Urién tells the family audience some stories from “One Thousand and One Nights”, and at 1:30 pm the concert “Donna and the Generator Live!”

In the afternoon, at the Foundry Warehouse, Carlos Pizarro and Jorge Viejo will play jazz kizza.

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