Probiotic Foods to Help Relieve Symptoms

Diarrhea, one of the most common symptoms of a digestive disorder such as gastroenteritis, is characterized by increased stool frequency (more than 3 times per day) accompanied by a decrease in the consistency of the stool, which becomes soft or runny.

Regarding the cause of this troublesome symptom, the portal states that it is also associated with a range of conditions including inflammatory bowel disease (mainly ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease); Pancreatic insufficiency or irritable bowel syndrome, or anxiety and stressful situations, etc.

When some of these diseases are present, in addition to diarrhea, the following symptoms may occur:

  • fever
  • food intolerance
  • nausea
Constipation and diarrhea often affect millions of people every day, so one of the ways to combat constipation and diarrhea is to use probiotics.

Constipation and diarrhea often affect millions of people every day, so one of the ways to combat constipation and diarrhea is to use probiotics. | Photos: Getty Images

According to the magazine better health, This superfood supplies the body with resistant starch, a type of fiber that cannot be digested by stomach enzymes. “This causes a fermentative reaction in bacteria that has health benefits. Once fermented, this starch contributes to the health of the intestinal mucosa.”

Green plantain can fight diarrhea.

Green plantain can fight diarrhea. | Photos: Getty Images/iStockphoto

In terms of its content, it usually reaches the intestinal tract unmodified by gastric juices, and once in the intestinal tract, it is fermented by the intestinal microflora and then serves as food for bacteria.

“Green bananas are a diarrhea food: a prebiotic food that helps relieve symptoms and favors the growth of ‘good’ bacteria in the gut. This bacterial proliferation will regulate the gut flora, which will help fight any bacterial, parasitic or viral infections that may be causing diarrhea.“,express Health is better.

Green bananas can be included in different preparations.

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