Progress after kidney transplant is going well

Angélica Liliana Velázquez (“Lili”) from Pringles received good news during her dialysis class on Friday: the kidney she was waiting for had arrived. Surgical intervention was performed and the patient’s condition progressed smoothly.

Recently, “Lili”‘s relatives detailed through social networks that on the last day of her dialysis week, which was also her birthday, she received the unexpected news: her kidney had arrived and a transplant was necessary.

The news came just after 3pm on Friday, when they were notified by the hospital that they had to travel to La Plata for the transplant.

“Obviously, we didn’t hesitate to spend her last moments with her, singing happy birthday to her, letting her cut pancakes, all of us waiting to surprise her, and in the end we all got the most out of it.” Without a doubt, it was a beautiful surprise,” Guadaa Velázquez wrote online.

“I believe in God, I always say this, He works in His time and His time is indeed perfect! He wanted to give it to her as her birthday gift and that was it. After 12 years of ups and downs Rain, after 12 years of waiting, this day has finally arrived. After 12 years of struggle, my black woman, today your long-awaited reward has arrived.”

Lily’s mother, María José Rodríguez, explained that after pneumonia, she contracted a virus that destroyed her kidneys, parts of her lungs and enlarged her heart, causing her to undergo dialysis.

“I’ve been waiting for 12 years and Friday was the biggest news. They called us from St Martin’s Hospital to say they were going to transplant her, two kidneys had arrived and one was for her. “We had to go as soon as possible. “

Previously, Pringle traveled to La Plata frequently for routine checkups, and all her tests were up to date. I just have to wait for this moment.

“We set off on the 13th and arrived at 11:30 pm. He did pre-operative preparations and was in the operating room at 7 am the next morning. The operation was successful so far, she is urinating normally, she is a little swollen, but they said it is normal ,” he said.

“Lily” undergoes dialysis three days a week, four hours each time, and works in the local cultural district.

“My donation was rejected, but when this happened to Lily, I realized how ignorant I was,” Maria Jose said. Doctors say you have to stay in hospital and wait for 15 to 20 days, up to a month, but it depends on how the situation develops. “

Listen to the full description of FM Ciudad Pringles.


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