Provided care to 788 patients in community meetings

Ensenada, British Columbia

From January to September this year, during the “Heart on the Move” conference organized by the Ensenada City Government in different communities, medical staff from the Municipal Medical Services Department provided treatment to a total of 788 people.
Arturo Manríquez Ayub, Head of the Department of Medical Services, commented that the purpose of the meeting was to provide basic medical services, such as testing for chronic degenerative diseases, used as a form of diagnosis, and provide support to the community for a variety of initiatives.
In this sense, he said that the patients treated ranged from 11 to 70 years old or above, 432 were female and 353 were male, and the most common diseases were type II diabetes, high blood pressure, and pain in different parts of the body. Diarrhea, gastritis, allergic rhinitis, abscesses and colitis.
In addition, medical staff provide general medicine, health coaching, psychological care, medication delivery, care services such as measuring blood pressure, blood sugar, weight and height, and even nutritional advice (in some cases).

Coordination with other agencies
In addition to this service, work plans include joint efforts with the Ensenada Health Services Third Jurisdiction and coordination with other state and federal agencies, city officials added.
Manríquez Ayub explained that the above happens because, if a patient with symptoms of a more complex disease, such as tuberculosis, is found, the person will be directed to the appropriate institution or, if they do not have social security, they can go through the health jurisdiction..
“For cases of chronic degenerative diseases, we invite you to come to our meeting modules or to the medical pharmacies in the town hall, Popular 89 community or Hidalgo community to continue monitoring,” said the chief doctor.

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