Pulisic jealous of Messi?American addresses celebrities attending Miami international

Lto list celebrity That Watch Lionel Messi’s Inter Miami match The game against Los Angeles FC in Los Angeles went viral on social media. Prince Harry, Selena Gomez, Tom Holland, LeBron James, Leonardo DiCaprioWaiting for someone to visit the Argentines at BMO Stadium.

And the stars of the U.S. national team Christian Pulisic Seize the moment to defend your country. “Captain America” ​​sarcastically declares that someone should tell them they can compete in “The Star-Spangled Banner” too.

Giorgio Chiellini’s daughters react tenderly as they pose for photo with Lionel Messi

The 24-year-old AC Milan player posted a video on his Instagram Stories, originally shared by the official MLS social media account, showing various celebrities at the BMO Stadium to watch Messi’s first performance in Los Angeles.

“They know they’re also being invited to watch the U.S. national team play,” he wrote in the subtitle.

When is the next American game?

Team USA returns next September 9th and 12th face Uzbekistan and Oman, respectively. Duels will be held at City Park in St. Louis and Allianz Field in Minnesota.

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