Rainfall alleviates pollution and air quality changes from “poor” to “fair”

The Cochabamba Mayor’s Office Air Quality Monitoring Network (MoniCA) reported that the city’s air quality changed from “poor” to “normal” on Friday as scattered rains yesterday helped reduce air quality. contamination level.

From November 8th to 9th, the air quality index reached “poor” with concentrations above 100 micrograms per cubic meter. However, on Friday, the index fell to 60.

Over the weekend, Senamhi is expected to have slightly cloudy to cloudy skies in the morning, with scattered rainfall on Monday.


Through statistical research, Cochabamba Hospital found that respiratory illnesses related to air pollution increased between January and October 2023.

The most common illnesses include bacterial pneumonia, acute pharyngitis, and bronchitis. The most vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly, account for 42% and 48%, respectively, of patients treated for these conditions. Health officials recommend taking steps to prevent health complications.

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