Ramona Jimenez reappears with family BBQ after emergency surgery

Ramona Jimenez appeared on social networks after being hospitalized for several days with severe abdominal pain and undergoing emergency surgery. In a video posted by his children, the quartet can be seen enjoying a family barbecue. “This is my favorite, spectacular and juicy.Now I eat more calmly, like a person‘, he pointed out.

Additionally, Mona Jimenez’s daughter Natalia posted a photo with her family with the following message:“That’s what we are, happier today than ever for your recovery, my dad.’. The singer underwent emergency surgery a few days ago for severe abdominal pain.

After the high attention from fans, the entertainer’s family brought reassurance with some photos of the singer in the hospital: “Just for reference, convey to the fans. My dad is fine. Not long ago, he completed an operation in which he underwent surgery due to severe abdominal pain caused by poor body movement.“.

They even posted a video showing Mona Jimenez lying on a stretcher while recovering. Also, one can see how his daughter took his hand and started dancing. In that recording, accompanied by the sentence “let’s dance“, the artist made with his hands the famous step of his invention. Mona Jiménez’s other daughter, Lorena, wrote on social networks how she reacted to her father’s illness.

“I was at a school meeting. Alarm bells go off. I’m gone, I’m here, I see you, acute gastroenteritis. Acute gastritis, which appears suddenly and destroys. But things are not that simple, time will help us! Life drives you, we take out the broken glass. Cheers and thanks for making it to Pachamama today. I love you,” he said.


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