Red Bull 64 Bars Live, what a show in Scampia: Italian rap in great shape

Dates Travis Scott AND Weekend. Rumors about possible screenings Drake AND Kanye West. Burning arenas, collapsing stadiums, packed racetracks. to maximum power. If it existed rap counter – such as gas and electricity – today in Italy, it will rotate crazy. Charts and ratings speak about this. Public, exactly. And those ten thousand who brought the second edition to life Red Bull 64 Bars Livein Naples there is clear testimony. The scene is beautiful, full of passion and recent. Marrageddon he drew the line at his lively expression. There is a “before” and there is an “after”.

Which are summed up and stitched together by the capital of Campania. Where already in nineties an American wave followed – also thanks to a dialect full truncated wordsthe perfect dress for this genre – today there is exciting scenea few steps from the iconic Sails of Scampiawith 3D effects that turn hip-hop into blade runner future. Main characters? Geolier, Lazza, Luce, Noise Narcos AND Rose the Villain, with direction Miles in the console and extraordinary participation Marrakeshbesides the unexpected presence Anna. One after another, between duets, choreography and legendary hits, in an exciting marathon rhythms and words.

“We were children who they were rapping on the streetand now let’s go back to the same places with amazing remedies“”, tells us Luce, born in 1981, who has been among the predecessors in Italy since i Ko’ Sang. “I don’t feel it myself responsibilityI’d rather talk about opportunity” “Unfortunately, on the creative side, thanks to social media, everyone can now release music and even go viral: it’s true, there are interesting things, but there are also many others that they don’t deserve to be heard” adds Noise, a 43-year-old Roman artist who began his career more than twenty-five years ago. “First think about this music she was ridiculed

“Actually my mom told me keep playing the pianoto leave the others alone,” jokes Lazza, the 2023 record man. “Now he wants listen to auditions Earlier then others”. The one who quickly became one of frontman scenes, conquering the album Sirius record of weeks at the top of the Italian sales charts: “For me rap is new singer and songwriter, this gives gigantic numbers. I believe so much in cooperation between artists, in music as a means of uniting people: I don’t like those who use it argue or try to make money quickly.” And cooperation is one of key elements Red Bull 64 Bars Live.

“In terms of the gender gap, we are still a little behind the United States, where urban women are completely cleared by customs”, emphasizes Rose Villain, 34 years old, many of which she spent in NY study theater and music arts. “The inequality that exists in everything in Italy world of work. However, I feel respect from my colleagues as an artist: unisex talent” Finally, a real microphone for Geolier, born in 2000. homeowner: “For me Naples is everything: I want to stay here and raise my zones, the most difficult areas. We, the new generation, must to contribute to build a better future.”

Which, in fact, also goes through initiatives with the initiative The escapewith whom Red Bull works closely residents’ associations providing a positive impact on the territory. Gueolier then opens the main act. cling to the chain everyone else: Noise Narcos, Rose Villain, Lazza, Luce and Marrakech who brought it stripes of fear and hatred. Grand Finale: Joliet and Luchet sing together on stage. Abovesong that samples the beat To this areahistorical hit Co’ Sang, a tribute to their city, to their area. A duet that seems to close a circle, but officially opens it. new guy

Like an invisible thread that weaves together past and future. Italian rap is in great shape.

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