Red, White and Blue Blood: film review

Red, white and blue blood this is a movie Prime Video released this summer (July 2023 to be exact), a rom-com that fans of the novel of the same name have been eagerly awaiting: the shock wave it created seems to have not yet subsided.

Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine in the movie Red, White and Blue Blood
Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine in a scene from the movie “Red, White and Blue Blood”

The film is an adaptation of the novel of the same name Casey McCuistonwith whom the writer entered the list “New York Times Bestselling Authors” To understand its success, remember that this list requires the author to achieve a minimum of 5,000 book sales (or higher, depending on the list) in one week across multiple retailers and geographic locations. There were all the conditions for success in the media.

The hype surrounding the release of the director’s film Matthew Lopez this of course also applied to the choice of main characters. let `s talk about Taylor Zakhar Perez (seen in Kissing booths) AND Nikolay Golitsyn (prince Cinderella with Camila Cabello). Playing the role of the only son of the President (yes, woman) of the United States and non-heir to the throne of the English crown, these two will go from sworn enemies to inseparable comrades before finally rediscovering each other. in love with each other.

The film is a modern fairy tale.

Simple and always effective, it’s everything the rom-com genre requires: a comedy film centered on a love story that ends happily ever after for the couple. A bit like fairy tales, there is a light-hearted base, coated in honeyed romance and garnished with a hint of light-hearted laughter.

Of course, the fairy tale in question is modern. We have two princes – the heroes and future lovers of this story; there are enemies to fight, played by a jealous political reporter and a homophobic English monarch (a subtle and brilliant decision to entrust this role to Stephen Fry). It represents, in expansion, the entire set of traditional and narrowly conservative values ​​that characterize secular institutions. Some assistants, among whom Alex’s ambitious and thoughtful advisers stand out (Rachel Hilson AND Sarah Shani). There is even a comparison of castles with their respective families: Buckingham Palace And White Housewith attendant political interests and geopolitical balance that must be maintained.

The biography and goals of the main characters are also compared. Alex comes from a marginalized minority and is a second generation American. He dreams of getting involved in politics to “change the world” and within his family he has the privilege of being able to discover and live freely his sexuality. In contrast, Henry was born and raised in a privileged family, but political allegiances and public image are a cage for him. He feels deprived of the opportunity to honestly express his feelings.

Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine in a scene from the movie
Taylor Zakhar Perez and Nicholas Galitzine in a scene from the movie “Red, White and Blue Blood”

The central themes of the film “Red, White and Blue Blood”.

Thus, at the center of the story is the importance be honest with yourself and beauty express your feelings despite external pressure. But a further series of sub-themes enriched the narrative, masterfully woven into the plot as precious appendices. This gives anyone who notices them the opportunity to think even more about the current state of society.

In no particular order: class problem, expressed through a comparison of the aristocratic British royal family with an example of the enriched American middle class. Hence the arrogance and “uncool” interests of Henry, who quotes the classics and looks out of place at a New Year’s party. Communication skills shine in confrontation easy going and a little braggadocio from the departing Alex.

There racial problem: Alex is of Mexican descent on his father’s side. The film mentions the disadvantages that a family name brings with it when one seeks a career in politics and in a country affected by racism. Yet again, gender issueaddressed with the subversive presence of the female President of the United States of America, played by the venerable Uma Thurman.

Love (and sexuality) in the age of emojis

Opening your own orientation sexual, the most obvious theme, but with very sparse presence of a protagonist exploring and accepting his bisexuality. The only other media representation of this type that we have in mainstream circles poses as one of the main characters of a successful Netflix series Heartstoppers, Nick Nelson. Are things moving in the right direction? We hope so.

Inevitably connected with this discussion (and with modernity) is the topic “personal life versus public image”, i.e. privacy and social media. In this regard, the scene in which the main characters constantly write to each other is funny. Edited so that they always seem to be in the same place, the scenes are interspersed with a stream of emoji, stickers, videos and screenshots. Typical chaos of today’s communication. The risk of having your messages, emails, photos, etc. shared without consent is less interesting.

Taylor Zakhar Perez and Uma Thurman in a scene from the movie “Red, White and Blue Blood”
Taylor Zakhar Perez and Uma Thurman in a scene from the film

A Lesson on the Happy Ending of Red, White and Blue Blood

Thanks for finally trying normalize taboo topics for mainstream audiences, for example, about the risks of STIs and gay sex. The direction of the love scene between the main characters is also superb, filmed with obvious clarity, but at the same time with extreme delicacy and sensuality. Characteristics of such an intimate moment.

Of course, the romantic comedy is not the highest of film genres, and this film in particular is not among the best films ever made. But there is However. That the streaming service of the world’s largest internet company would create and distribute such a project is remarkable. Unlike the more cerebral or consistently dramatic films that have featured non-heterosexual love over the years, the magic happens at the end of the viewing. In fact, for once we can avoid the film club debate, content with a smile and the comfort of the image of a possible future with a happy ending.

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