Refusal of the restaurant because she was tattooed: the gesture is very serious, and the social media explosion received universal consent

The girl was not allowed into the restaurant because she had a tattoo. Considering a very serious gesture, he decided to let off steam on social media by getting the consent of all users.

Some episodes go around the net because they are incredible. This is exactly what happened to a girl who decided to talk about her experience through her social network profile, managing to attract a large number of users who agreed with her.

Refusal of the restaurant because she was tattooed: the gesture is very serious, and the social media explosion received universal consent
Social chaos erupts after woman kicked out of restaurant for tattoo –

This is not the first time we hear about choice at the entrance to restaurants. Just recently, the Zendaya case in Rome caused a sensation, where the actress was rejected by the Capitol club because of her appearance, which was considered unsuitable for this place. But this time it’s about a different person and a different reason.

It’s probably very rare to hear people being kicked out of a club because of a tattoo. And this is exactly what happened recently to a woman who was at the door, because he had a visible pattern on the bottom of his neck. A situation that was not deemed appropriate by the restaurant.

The restaurant was abandoned because of the tattoo: the case surfaced in social networks

The episode with the woman left the whole world speechless, especially after the story of a person directly affected by her on social networks. The main character is an Australian named Katie Holly not allowed in the restaurant because her dress left her tattoo exposed.

Refusal of the restaurant because of the tattoo: the reason
Aussie rejected by club over tattoo –

A woman went to a restaurant on Australia’s Gold Coast for a birthday party, but was stopped by an employee at the entrance. As it appears, the dress code did not respect the elegant venueaccording to the manager, she was denied access for this reason.

The tattoo in question had Chinese characters that meant “love”, “family” and “happiness”. A situation that forced a woman to go home and change. However, he did not stop telling everyone on social networks about the victim, explaining to users that he had never had this type of problem in the past and that this was the first time.

The answer came on time Restaurant Burley Pavilion, who explained that everyone with tattoos is allowed into the club. However, access is restricted only to those whose clothing or behavior may be aggressive. And for them, tattoos on the neck or face look aggressive.

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