Relatives of young Cubans in Russia-Ukraine war: ‘We fear for their lives’

Relatives of two Cuban teens recruited to ‘support’ Russia-Ukraine war have pleaded for help to return them safelyAccording to the testimony published by América Tevé, which revealed the boy’s identity.

In a statement released this week influential people Alan Palazzi Cuban, Alex Vegas Diaz from Santa Clara and Andolfo Velazquez Garcia from Havana denounced them as victims of a “scam” and are currently hospitalized in a Russian city, with documents Be deprived of and was prevented from returning to the island.

Caridad (Cary) Díaz explained to journalist Rolando Nápoles how her 19-year-old son traveled to Russia.

“Some cellphones of a certain Elena and Dayana appeared on Facebook, one I think was Cuban and the other was Russian. The boy communicated with them. They read him a document in which he Saying they will get all the benefits” I’ve read the document too. It’s for work, not in Ukraine. They just ask if the child has a passport. Two days later, they called him and sent him through Varadero airport. ” said the woman. .

Two young Cuban men held in a Russian hospital assured that they had signed a contract, allegedly to carry out construction work.

“They told us (we were going) to build, to restore houses that had been destroyed by war, trenches and rubble. It’s all a scam.They didn’t pay us, we didn’t have passports, we didn’t have documents. Once we got here, they kept everything,” they added in the ward, neither Cuban nor Cuban. youtubers who received the video.

According to Vegas Diaz’s mother, women involved in the recruitment she spoke to told her that “at no time was any Cuban authorized to go to the line of fire and they will support whatever situation they are put in.”

“When the boy went to military preparations, he fell ill. They took him to a hospital in Moscow, where he developed gastritis, and they did a larger test, but there were no other results, but we We’re desperate because we don’t know him“, he added.

“We didn’t know what they were doing to them, what they were going through. Suddenly one night they let me know and I saw the complaint. Another boy the same age was from Havana. They always moved together,” Diaz said .

“There’s a really big thing going on around here because my son is a really good boy, very healthy, very well-loved and everyone’s praying,” he said.

The mother said she was ‘surprised’ by her son’s remarks and confirmed The contract includes the right to receive a salary, other financial benefits, a passport and Russian citizenshipthey have the right to bring parents, wives and children to Russia.

“Now I don’t know where he is. I’ve had it for a week,” he said.

American Twi has also obtained a statement from Vegas Diaz’s girlfriend who asked for help so he could reach another nearby country and request asylum.

Andorfo Velazquez García’s father, Mario Antonio Velázquez Poltroni, said in a video statement released by U.S. Turvey that he was “concerned about the“.

“I’m very concerned that there’s nothing parents can do about what these kids are going through, it’s a harsh reality. We fear for the lives of these boys who have been lied to and even threatened. We ask organizations, politicians, the United Nations to intercede for these danger“, he added.

May 16, Vladimir Putin announced he would grant clear Russian citizenship to foreigners who joined the Russian army during the war in Ukrainethe measure may also benefit their immediate family members.

The Presidential Article published on the National Legal Information Portal stipulates that in order to obtain Russian citizenship through a clear procedure, Foreigners must sign a one-year military service contractEFE reported.

Fast-track citizenship processing also applies to parents, spouses and children of foreigners Signed a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Russian military relies primarily on the Wagner Group ( whose leader was killed in a plane crash on Aug. 23 that Moscow says may have included “deliberate error”) to recruit ex-convicts and killers and unite them against Ukraine. .

expert criticism One of Russia’s main strategies is to use these troops as cannon fodderbecause in most cases many of them did not receive the necessary military training, but were used to drain the strength of the Ukrainian army.

Cubans have been taking advantage of the fact that Russia does not require visas to immigrate to Russia for years. However, most seek to continue on to Europe, to countries such as Spain and Italy, where obtaining residency is very complicated for foreigners.

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