Results of investigation of 400 cases of gastroenteritis in Zaragoza reached Soriaquelles

Soria It will also be the focus of research to identify the protozoa, which has left more than 400 cases. acute gastroenteritis exist Tarazona (Zaragoza). Although those affected live in a neighboring community, the pathogen is already located in the community’s waters. qualles river,born in medium sound (Soria). Connections have been made so the work transcends regional restrictions.

This is how it’s going to move forward this Friday Minister of Health of Aragon, Jose Luis Bancalero. “I’ve contacted the counselor castile and leon (Alejandro Vazquez) also surveyed the upper reaches of Aragonese territory. In the meantime, people will be protected if public health advice is followed. ” assures the head of the region. However, when the source of the problem cannot be determined, it is recommended to maintain certain precautionary measures.

Bancalero confirmed that “the number of people affected by the epidemic gastroenteritis outbreak Tarazona’s 416. As of noon yesterday, Thursday, “we have analysis that confirms, pollute from quels river water rather than facilities from the Tarazona water network.”

Confirming that this was the “source” of the biologically contaminated water, “immediate notices were issued to towns drinking water from the same river”. Torreras, Fayos and do not go. We know the causes of gastroenteritis, which allows immediate action to be taken.The principle we follow is warn and Precaution They have already started to be applied before the analysis confirms it,” said the head of Aragon’s health department.

Although “disease presents mild symptoms“, from Aragon “We ask people to follow the advice of the council, which is advising on these recommendations. public health“.

“Has been deployed from Aragonese Governmentof town Hall and other institutions such as ebro hydrographic unionthis national guard, University and company Trying to find pollution source Now we know it’s in the river,” Bancalero said, opening the door to the possibility that it could be within the Philippines. Soria or Zaragoza. “We have to get to the bottom of it and find out where the water pollution is happening in order to eliminate it. Cryptosporidium protozoa” he concluded.

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