Revelation – Alchemy – Reviews

For mainstream and radio commercials, I Information disclosure I am a hit duo Latch With Sam SmithFrom f for you With Mary J. Bligeand from You and memarked by a remix on Flume.

A dance formula in song format, pop house they say is winning and well-produced, which then, as now, drew on the British garage tradition. A product conceived halfway between radio and club life. Brothers Guy and Howard Lawrence have always counted on quality performances within the universe of r&b, neo-soul and grime that marked the 10s: from Aluna George To Jamie Woonbefore Jessie Ware. Hit album guests, son of time, like Decide (2013) reproduced in 2015 by another parade of works including geniuses Jordan Rakey and now planetary pop star Weekend.

After these recordings, it was legitimate to wonder how much the project actually cost, apart from the stars involved. Doubts that the duo answered DJ Kiks 2021 and before, during the worst period for nightlife, with Energywork that picked up the pace, aiming for the dance floor, with songs like ecstasy which resumed the Daftpunkian lesson between funky loops, disco vocals and the famous high and low pass filters. Three years later, the brothers are back on their own, with no contract ties to the majors, with a track record that promises no feats. and no trials. A challenge and at the same time a way to start over.

AlchemyTrue, comes after productions Biceps, overmono AND Fred againspace competition, but disclosure does not suffer from performance concerns: solar showers repurposes a trance riff that winks Glue, but the context is wider: speed up Bpm, play and win with fast pulsing bass. Similar speech for We were in love from the pure beats of the 90s and those brilliant electro rushes that create timeless fireworks.

While retaining the pop patina, it’s clear that Disclosure is playing on a different level. Higher than ever beforewith d’n’b who does not look at TikTok and drums, as is the case with Nia Archivesconfirms it, etc. Go the distancee, which applies the same processing in an acid key.

The British duo’s radio clubs are a newfound endeavor. Alchemy. The title of the album is just right. Groove and beats are in the first place, but the taste for the melody never fails, it really foams out of the mix with ease and grace. No feat, no model, that’s what they said. The result is more than decent.

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